Friday, June 21, 2013

Everyday Life

Here is some randomness of everyday life:
 Chloe playing in the tent in the back yard
Consumed by technology
 Gavin after a bike crash earlier that day
1 bath, 5 band-aids, lots of neosporin and countless hugs and kisses later there is a smile on his face
 My brown eyed Masonater
 Cody trying on my cousin Garet's motorcycle helmet
 Gavin took a break from riding his scooter to play with some ants
 Gavin riding his bike
 How Chloe woke up from her nap. Good news is she is getting plenty to drink.
 Gavin reading a book at grandma's. This kid loves to read and will read anything and everything he sees
Chloe is sleeping in her "big grwill (girl) bed" all the time now
 Chloe skinned her knees up on the side walk and this is how daddy combs here hair after her baths, Val Kilmer style, super slicked back
 Gavin makes his own sandwiches now. Chocolate (nutella) are his favorite
 This is Chloe and her husband-to-be Jackson. They are so cute together and his mom said he won't share his food with anyone except Chloe. Now that's true love.
 Every time Adlina sets her chair up Mason sits in it before she can. He's always loving on Adlina, it's so cute. She calls him "boyfriend" and he gets all shy.
 T-Ball is almost over, only two more weeks
 Gavin running "lightening speed" as he calls it
 My sister in law was sick and my brother had to work so I watched their kids for them. I had 5 kids at my house ages 6, 3, 2 and two almost 2 year old's. It was crazy but fun.
 I took them all to Blast Off to play. We were there 10 minutes when the Code Browns began.I changed 3 poopy diapers in a row!! Pretty sure that's a record for me!
 Gavin showing off
Chloe, Bailee and Brigham

And here are a bunch of Chloe just because she has been cute lately and I can't get enough of her!!

 I see you!
 Chloe almost always eats her vegetables first and then the rest of her dinner

 The End!!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Glad you survived your week. Phew! These pictures sure are cute though. Looks like you know how to squeeze in some fun.