Saturday, December 8, 2012

Oh December

December has been quite the month already and we are only a week into it! My kids are full of all kinds of antics and I swear someone is sneaking into my house and feeding them caffeine, sugar, or something!!
 Chloe got stuck between the wall and Mason's bed (which is now closer to the wall so she can't even fit)
 Gavin hit puberty
 Chloe loves books and brings me stories to read her all day everyday
 She discovered this book and she just sits and looks at it forever
 Our tree kept falling down. I finally tied some string around it and tacked the other end to the wall. So far it has stayed put!
 Gavin gave Chloe a permanent red marker so she could color. I was 3 feet away at the computer picking out family pictures and this is what she did! There is a reason I have them on the top shelf of my closet but Gavin can still reach them with a chair. I think they are going to go under lock and key! Most of it came off of her WITHOUT Magic Eraser! 
Mason drew on my wall and refrigerator with blue marker while I was cleaning Chloe up and luckily Magic Eraser got that off. 
Mason and Chloe are so much busier that Gavin even was! They are always into something and with two of them I can't keep up!
 Gavin now wears his backpack backwards
This is what happens when you tell your 5 year old not to stretch his shirt out. He curls up into a ball and "hides" from you.

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