Saturday, May 19, 2012

This Week

 Monday was my brother Paul's birthday and we had a birthday lunch at Red Robin. I secretly wrote "It's his birthday today" with an arrow pointing to Paul and showed it to the waitress on the sly. He had no idea until the waitress and other co-workers showed up with balloons and sang to him. Erin (his wife) and I were in trouble until he realized that he at least got FREE dessert for his embarrassment!
 My kiddos love being "baby burrito's"
 Luke and Gavin think it's hilarious to stand behind Bud when he wags his tail because then Bud's tail hits their butts. They were giggling so hard and saying "Buds spanking me"
 I'm not sure which got more Popsicle; his mouth or his belly!
 Bud is also the honorary towel rack
 My super duper helper
 He's taking it soooo serious!! ; )
 He thought he was all grown up because he figured out how I make the water fan out by putting his thumb over it
 It was one of those days when I totally felt like a mean, inadequate mom and then I found Batman reading.
 I must be doing something right!!
 After I went to some yard sales with my dad (and scored a new computer desk and a go kart for Gavin super cheap) we went to an airplane show at Aeromark.
 I had a baby shower and my Uncle Keith's wedding to go to so the kids got to play with Aunt Sadie and all the cousins. I came back to get them for the reception and Gavin wanted to stay and play, do you blame him?
Funny Faces!!
Luke, Isaiah, Drake, Kessler and Gavin

1 comment:

Jessie said...

It looks like summer is in full gear at your house!!! :)