Monday, May 28, 2012


I'm way overdue for an update on the kids and since ALL THREE of them have recently gone through a major growth spurt and are all up a size in clothes here it goes!

 Size 6 clothes, 11 1/2 shoes
-He has once again changed his favorite colors, but for the first time in years BLACK is not on the list. It's now GREEN and BLUE. 
-He is such a good big brother and a SUPER HELPER for mom!!
-He has a serious toothbrush obsession. He always wants to brush his teeth, he has 3 toothbrushes right now and when I tell him I have a surprise for him he asks if it's a toothbrush. He was upset when I told him I threw away his yellow fish toothbrush because it was worn out. When we went camping he wanted to take two of his toothbrushes with him in case one of them got lost. I think I have rubbed off on him a bit too much!
 -He always wants to carry my cellphone in his pocket so he can call and text his daddy (yes, he knows how to text. I don't know if that's cute or disturbing, the jury is still out). 
-He LOVES music and loves to dance. Right now his favorite songs are REO Speedwagon "I can't fight this feeling anymore" (from Chipmunks movie), Journey "Don't stop believin" and Lionel Ritchie "Hello"
-He is super easy to please too. (examples)
Cody: What do you want me to bring you back?
Gavin: How about a rock?
Cody: Gavin what should we have for dinner:
(we were out running errands and trying to decide where to eat out)
Gavin: How about some applesauce
Teri: Gavin, what do you want to do with daddy today?
(we were thinking swimming, the zoo, a movie)
Gavin: Let's do a puzzle

Nothing like a 5 year old to remind you TO KEEP LIFE SIMPLE!!
 Finally in a size 2T and size 4 shoes
-Mason LOVES to be outside, rides on the 4 wheeler and sleeping!! He is the first one to bed, the last one up and takes the longest naps. The only time he sucks his thumb now is when he is really tired or sleeping so it's finally starting to look better and the callus is almost gone.
-His favorite toys right now are airplanes, dinosaurs and cars. He always has one of them in his hand when he is home.
-He copies almost everything so I have to be extra careful what I say and do around him.
-He also starts dancing whenever we have music on.
-Whenever I do Chloe's hair (so she can pull it right back out) he wants to have his hair done too.
-He loves to give hugs and kisses all.the.time. now and he loves to take a bath, but hates getting out!!

 Nothing says future Princess like a pulled out pigtail and a finger up your nose!!!
Size 18 month clothes and size 3 shoes
-She will NOT keep her hair in anything (no bows, headbands, pigtails, etc) and she refuses to keep her shoes and socks on. If we are going somewhere I don't even bother to put her shoes on half the time until we are there because she just takes them off and if we are in a store I have to watch her otherwise I am back tracking in the aisles looking for shoes and socks she has taken off and thrown on the floor.
-EVERY animal is a "doggy"
-She empties everything she can get her hands on out: purses, diaper bags, toys bins, drawers, etc.
-If you ask her where her belly is she will pull her shirt up with one hand and smack her belly with the other one.
-Her feet are ALWAYS moving (can babies have restless leg syndrome?)
-When she puckers up to give you a kiss she sticks her bottom lip out
-She says "Hi, hello, mommy, daddy, doggy, eat, juice, cackers (crackers)", and now also says "cheese" when she sees the camera.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I must meet these babies! The three together sound like a riot. Chloe's picture made me laugh out loud. :)