Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Zoo x 2

On Wednesday the weather was FINALLY nice enough to go to the zoo so we decided to take our chance while we still had it
 The otters were out and about so we spent a lot of time watching them. They kept swimming right up to the window upside down, would do a flip and them swim away. They kept making the boys laugh so hard.
 Otter- Not a beaver or a rat as certain people at the zoo thought
 Gavin got a map and was actually telling us which way to go, I was pretty impressed
 There were lots of new babies there including these baby ducks. There were also baby monkeys, a camel, a serval and even a little baby joey
 Watching the pelicans
Last year Gavin wouldn't even to near this bridge because it was too close to the pelicans
 "Mom! It's going pee!"
 Chillin on the rooster
 Look what cracked out of this egg
 Gavin, Lukas and Madi

We hit the zoo on Friday just because we could
 Ryver, Gavin and Madisen
To the Zebra: "Come give me a big kiss!"-Ryver
 Ryver, Madi, and Gavin
 We didn't realize until we got on the bridge that one of the peacocks were on it. The boys both froze and got as far away from it as they could. They kept asking why it wasn't in it's cage
Taking it's time to cross the bridge. I have never seen two 4 year old's hold so still in all my life!

1 comment:

Hayden Funny Farm said...

I love the last pics of the boys. How funny that is. I can only imagine what was going through Ryver's head. Thanks for taking him and watching him. You are a great friend!