Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A few things...

Quite a few things have happened in the last month and I realized I haven't done an update on any of it really so here's a mini update on our lives:

Cody found a job HERE, so he won't have to be traveling to Montana Monday-Thursday for work, Yipee! Very exciting day for us here at the Fry house

After 4 years of being in Young Women's I was finally released over Memorial Day weekend. It has been bittersweet. I have spent the last 4 years with the girls and my fellow leaders, at least twice a week (sometimes more). This last Sunday was my first official no more young women's day and I have to say it was rather weird watching the girls and walk out of Relief Society and I stayed where I was. The new presidency is awesome and so the girls are in good hands. I am so glad to have my Tuesday night back too!

We are officially owners of a camper trailer! Our previous camper was a cab over that went in the back of our truck and it was soooo small. We found a 19ft one for a great deal. I had went with Cody to look at it on Wednesday and when I got home from Zumba on Thursday there it was in front of our house. It's in great shape and pretty clean for how old it is and the great news is it's so old the colors will be coming back in any day now!! I'm just super excited to have a camper again so I can have my garage back! Gavin can't wait to sleep in it up on "his bed" so stay tuned for camping adventures.

P.S. It even has a bathroom with a working sink, toilet and SHOWER!!!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Awesome updates! Congrats on the new camper. I'm sure it's just begging to be used all summer long. And congrats on the new job too! Less driving and more time together is definitely a need. And I LOVED Gavin's blog post. He actually has good hand-eye coordination with the camera!