Sunday, June 26, 2011

Somewhere up in the hills

 Gavin's ready to go!
 We followed Troy up to a large creek that split into two water falls and then turned into one creek again. It was so pretty although I may never go there again! It was a scary ride!
 Cody, Gavin and I
 I carried Gavin over the first time, but I let Cody do it the second. One slip and you were going over the waterfall!
 Waterfall on the left
 Waterfall on the right
 Gavin zapping me with his Lightening Power!
 Although this picture does not do this DEADLY hill ANY justice, it is the reason why I probably won't be going back to the waterfalls anytime soon. It was scary enough going down it with brakes on the entire time, but going up was worse. Especially since Cody made me drive and I had him and Gavin behind me while I was trying to steer and keep the front wheels on the ground at the same time. Finally I stopped, Shay came and got Gavin and Cody and Troy held the front wheels down while I drove through the ruts, around the rocks and up the hill! Even dare devil Troy had a heck of a time getting up. I promise it was way worse than it looks. I'm usually not a chicken at all, but that scared me!
 At the top of the hill all still alive!
Cody, Carl, Gavin, Troy and Shay
This has nothing to do with riding, but how often do you see two tractors passing each other on the highway!! LOL! Gotta love Archer, Idaho

1 comment:

Hayden Funny Farm said...

You are brave walking across that log with Gavin! Glad you both didn't fall in and over the water fall!