Sunday, November 30, 2014

Mason's Thanksgiving Feast

Mason had a Thanksgiving Feast at preschool. His assignment was to bring a can of fruit cocktail. He was so proud carrying it into his preschool and giving it to his teacher.
When we got there Onda K was dressed as an Indian, the kids were all so excited. They listened to Indian music and sang Indian songs (while Mason covered his ears).
Then she read the kids a story about a little Indian boy named "Two Feet"
Then they learned all about the pilgrims, the Mayflower and Christopher Columbus. She let the kids pick if they wanted to be pilgrims or Indians. Then they re-enacted the pilgrims coming to the Americas and the first Thanksgiving with the Indians.
(Mason is standing next to a 3 year old and the other two are 4 like Mason, he's so tiny!)
My niece Madisen and her friend Shiah
My little Indian Mason.
They had turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, fruit cocktail, rolls and pumpkin pie
He wanted his feather in the front
My sister was horrified that Madisen wore her hot pink boots with her red dress, I think it's pretty stinking cute and such a kid thing to do ; )

November 25, 2014

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