Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Skeleton Ninja

I wish I could say that I was busy making a 5 star breakfast for my kids or scrubbing my house spotless while this was going on, but I wasn't. I was still in bed... Cody comes home today so I couldn't sleep last night because I'm excited for him to be home so it was after 1am before I finally fell asleep. The boys were up at 6:42am. I know that because I heard them and freaked out thinking I had slept through my alarm and I was running late, but I wasn't. I still had 18 minutes before my alarm went off and I had to get up. Chloe was still asleep and I could hear the boys running around chasing each other so I wasn't worried.  I must have dosed back off because I woke up to Gavin tapping me on the shoulder and proud as a peacock  with a big grin on his face saying 
 "Look at me mom, I'm a skeleton ninja".

 At first I thought it was just on his face, but once we were upstairs I saw it on his arms and his legs...
 ...and then he showed me his belly.
 I asked him to bring my the marker he used hoping it was a washable one
 No such luck!!
 Next I went to Google for advice
 And he wanted more pictures
 Judging by this one I'm assuming he was naked when he drew his "skeleton"
 Scrub away buddy, scrub away
At this point I was laughing AND crying at the same time
 His "skull" that he drew
 Still noticeable. Did I mention he had school today AND I had to meet with his teacher for parent teacher conference?
 Google suggested all sorts of things,but I figured rubbing alcohol and salt would be the easiest on his skin. While he was in the tub I used the Magic Eraser to get the marker off my floor and my sis-in-law suggested I try it on him.
 So I read the WARNING and it said NOTHING about using it on kids and /or skin (which actually surprised me....
 ...stupid blind me didn't read the BRIGHT RED CAUTION underneath the warning. Too bad I didn't see this until after I tested it on his hand and then used it on his face. I broke EVERY rule on the box! Luckily I didn't use it to much, but look what I did!!
 In my defense I figured it would be the safest of the 3 because I didn't want salt and rubbing alcohol to get in his eyes and Magic Erasers don't drip. I get the BAD-MOM-OF-THE-DAY award!!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

This is HILARIOUS!!! I can't stop laughing. :)