Friday, March 30, 2012

Blue Pancakes and Green Poop

Gavin has been wanting colored pancakes since I turned them green on  St. Patrick's Day so today I let him pick a different color, he chose blue. I thought they were pretty awesome looking so we took a picture to send to daddy.
 What I didn't think about was that I have two kids in diapers and what the blue dye would do to the contents of the diapers (or lack of contents). Somehow Mason managed to get his diaper off while wearing his pajamas and stuff it down the leg, then he decided to leave me the remnants of his BLUE pancakes.


 WARNING: This may be TMI!! Continue reading/looking at your own risk!!

When I unzipped his pj's I was in disbelief. Had I really not put a diaper on him? Then I realized that it was just stuffed down the leg. I immediately zipped him back up and called Cody (like he was really going to be able to do anything, but I just needed time to figure out exactly how I was going to tackle the situation).
Incredible Hulk Poop
  Look how the poop is nestled so nicely on the edge of his diaper.
Great news!! The inside of the diaper is still clean!!

I donned some rubber gloves, wiped him off the best I could with wipe's,  put him in the bathtub and went to scrubbing. The diaper, wipe's, gloves and pj's all ended up in a Wal-mart bag in the outside garbage, problem solved!!


Jessie said...

I am laughing my head off! That was gross but awesome!

The Chase's said...

Thanks! This post had me laughing outloud!! Sorry for your green poop!