Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

We had our ward Trunk or Treat on Friday followed by our annual chili cook-off and then on Monday we took the kids trick or treating to the grandparents and then to the tri-ward Trunk-or-Treat.  I was suppose to work on Halloween and would've missed it, but it was Grandma's funeral so I was able to take them.
Gavin/Batman, Chloe/Monkey, Mason/Chicken
 Batman and Robin, oh I mean Chicken!
 Thatcher and Gavin
They have been the same thing for 3 of their 4 years!!
 So clever!!!
Our friends dressed as "UP"
Stevie/house, Nick/ Mr. Frederickson, Lizzy/Kevin the bird, Landon/Russell
 A few of my former young women and Jordan. We noticed after the picture they were standing on the handicap symbol!!
 Five Fry's (get it like Five Guys) first Halloween
 If you think this is inappropriate.....scroll down
 I made him wear shorts for obvious reasons!
We traded Halloween costumes with my bro. and sis-in-law and this is what they brought us!
 Raggedy Ann
I was a little leery to be Raggedy Ann again because last time I was (in a different costume) someone T-boned me in my car
 Gavin got to wear his costume to preschool too, he was super excited!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

That batman costume is awesome, but I think hairy man takes the cake! haha Your babies are all so cute! Happy Halloween!