Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Griswold Family Christmas Tree

We didn't have any crazy road ragers try and shove us off the road, we didn't fly over a snowbank and we didn't forget our saw, but we did sing Christmas carols and get stuck!! Thank goodness my husband is tough and literally pushed the truck over 2 feet sideways to get the back tires into some traction! He was so sore that night!
Ready for an adventure! 
Mason was not happy about being stuck in the middle but once the sled started moving he was giggling almost the entire time, he loved it
My Three Bundles : )
Did I mention I was the horse for the sleigh?
We thought we saw a perfect tree at the top of the hill so Cody ran up it only to find out it had a huge bare spot on one side, thanks anyway sweetie!
Still looking. It was a beautiful day and the view was amazing.
Mason wanted to walk like the big boys
Found it!!
We stopped at Big Jud's on the way home. We ordered one Big Jud burger for all of us to share, but we told Gavin when it came that it was his and he had to eat it all. The look on his face was priceless! He was very happy to share.
This was actually on the way to Island Park. Gavin got hot and took off his coat and his shirt. He asked to look at the map and when I turned around he was topless! What a kid! Nothing like solving your own problems.

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