Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I cannot believe how fast November flew by. Maybe it was because 3 kids, work and life keep me so busy.  I have never in my life changed so many diapers, did so much laundry and cleaned up so many messes only to have them reappear within a matter of minutes! Oh, and if I had a dollar for every time the kids pooped within 5 minutes of me putting a new clean diaper on them, I would be a millionaire! : )  

I had another birthday so I am a little older and wiser. The day itself was miserable. I had to work 7am-7pm and I was crazy busy! I didn't get to take my lunch until almost 8 hours into my shift. The "highlight" of my day was when I was rushing down the hall (for the thousandth time) to get a patient some pain meds when I heard one of my patient's husbands tell his wife (and I quote) "This nurse isn't worth a sh*t, I've ran out of coffee twice." If I would have had time I totally would have let him have it!! First of all he wasn't even my patient and second of all I'm not his waitress! Lucky for him he was gone the next time I went in her room.

The real highlight was when I got home. I came into a unusually quiet house with some shuffling in the kitchen and out pops Cody and the kids 'SURPRISE'!!  They were all so giggly and happy which made my bad day go away! They even made me a cake with PINK frosting (my fav. color). They sang to me and after I ate the extra delicious steak dinner my hubby made me we had cake : ) I also got lots of HUGS and KISSES!! It was the perfect ending to a crappy day.

 No, Cody isn't going bald. This is what some crazy lady did to his hair with the dullest scissors ever!! Cody applied for a new job and they needed a sample of 25 pieces of hair to make sure that he's not on drugs. They could've been a little more conspicuous don't you think? I was so mad!! His sister cut his hair, really short, to try and hide it, but it's still pretty visible. Thank goodness for hats!! I guess we will be sitting on the back row at church for a while!
Gavin, Diesel and Kellen

One of my friends has what she calls "Pie Night" every year. It's the night before Thanksgiving and all we eat is PIE!! The reasoning is that by the time you are done eating Thanksgiving dinner you don't have room for pie, so we eat it the night before, great idea right?

All the adults were upstairs and the kids were downstairs "playing". One of the dad's came up and said "Uhm, there is a community bath going on downstairs." The boys (ages 3 and 4) decided they wanted to bath, together. (Apparently in kidland it's ok to bath together after only knowing each other a little over an hour). They all got undressed and in the tub and all we could do was laugh : ) KIDS ARE AWESOME!

P.S. I changed Chloe's diaper in the middle of writing this and guess what!? You're right if you guessed she is pooping!! Cha-ching

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