Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gavin is 23 months!

What Gavin did last month:
He has decided that one hat is not enough, he needs two! He is also really into Caitlyn (our friends little girl). He calls her "Baby" and likes to hug her and tries to play with her even though she is not as cooperative as he would like her to be.

He climbed up on the kitchen chair and found my candy bar and helped himself. It was even wrapped, but somehow figured out it was candy!

He still loves to take a bath and every once in a while I put some bubbles in for him, but I have to really watch him because he tries to eat them!

He also tries to eat his lotion!

"Kmart sucks Ray!"

Superbowl Party!

Testing mom's patience yet again!

Shower cap and crackers go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly!

Anytime he finds a hat of any kind he puts it on.
He has also discovered how to turn on the microwave in the Man Cave
so we have to unplug it when we are not using it.

Signing his name on his Elmo Valentine's for the cousins and Grandma & Grandpa's

He found the baby powder and it was on the couch, all over the floor, all over his puzzles, me and my pillow(I fell asleep on the couch), and of course himself, but boy did my house smell yummy! Like lavender!

He fell asleep in the middle of the floor, but not without an arsenal of "Ginky's"
He has one in his mouth, one in his right hand, and two on his left side.

He found these and put them on all by himself!
I was laughing so hard!

Just driving around the kitchen since it's to cold outside

He took my bra off the stack of folded laundry and decided to try it on for size!

That's All Folks!
Tune in next month for another installment of
"What Gavin did last month!"


Cami said...

Yeah for Gavin! I can't believe he is 23 months. Such adorable pics! I love the one of him trying on your bra. SO funny! And the goggles. He is a doll!

jasonandkaylee said...

Those are the cutest pictures of Gavin. I am loving blogging

oldangelgirl said...

That is just too cute! What a keeper. Are you sure he doesn't have any or your or Cody's genes in him? Mighty suspicious if you ask me... :)

♥jada said...

Teri your little guy is so adorable. I love his months in review with pictures. Fun, fun!