Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Our last Hoorah!

We went camping with friends last weekend up past Kelly Canyon. The weather was pretty good except for a little rain around 10pm, but good times were had by all.
The Ladies
Liz, Teri, Ashley and Beth
(Stevie wasn't here yet)
Chloe went and sat by Oliver almost as soon as we got there
Only cool people wear green and white aeropostale shirts!
This was not planned, we are just that good. : )
Mason and Milo
Milo, Avynley, Chloe and Mason
If the little kids were missing we knew right were to look
Doing some skeet shooting
Target shooting
Liz, Zach, Cody, Oliver and Steve
Gavin and Mason
Yes, this really happened! I thought I was done with blowouts!
Cheetos = Pure Bliss
"My hands dirty mom"
Really? I hadn't noticed ; )
New Besties
Chloe and Avynley

Beth found a caterpillar and then the Great Caterpillar search of 2013 began
They were racing caterpillars on the rock
He lets everything crawl on him! He is such a boy!

Now he can't run away!
The kids spent the majority of the time on this hill sliding and rolling down it when they weren't searching for bugs
Chloe and Avynley
Sharing a juicebox
Ver and Steve

That is DIRT on the back of Mason's head! He was sliding down on his back and it stuck to the back of his head.
Look at those dirty little butts
My messy kids at the end of the trip
Here we are, so nice and clean!
Cody, Teri, Gavin, Mason and Chloe

Steve, Beth, Isaac, Carter and Avenley Heath
Cody, Teri, Gavin, Mason and Chloe Fry
Oliver, Liz, Teagan and Talmage Lewis
Zach, Ashely, Linkin and Milo Ward (just for the night)
Stevie, Landon, Lizzy and Harry Croft

Girls were outmumbered 8-14

Sept. 6 &7, 2013

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