Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Backyard Happenings

We made homemade hand-turned ice cream the other night. It was delicious! It's a good thing it's not super easy or we would be having it every night after dinner or maybe even for dinner!

 We caught Chloe and Mason eating it off the beater
We all devoured it and ended up making a second batch to save for later. The ice was ready so why not make the most of it?
 We found this baby in the crawl space of our first home. It's a bit rusty on the outside, but the inside is in great condition. I'm not really sure how old it is, but I do know it makes some yummy ice cream!
 I found this little guy while I was weeding the pumpkins, hence the dirt on my hands. I wasn't planning on weeding when I went out to the garden so I didn't grab my gloves, but a little dirt never hurt anyone right?
 He hung out with me and we chatted about what I had unintentionally done to our poor pumpkins before he hopped away
 They look terrible I know and I'm to blame. I went out and pulled a bunch of the extra blossoms off so that the plant would just focus on growing the 7 pumpkins that we already had growing. The plant was overtaking the garden and there were vines that didn't have any pumpkins on them. My thinking was if I cut those extra vines off then the pumpkins would grow even bigger since there would be less plant to grow.....
Well, I was wrong. The plant is slowly dying. The leaves are pretty much gone, but luckily the vines are still hanging on and the pumpkins are still growing, but not as rapidly as they were before. The kids were so excited that they were getting so big, I'm so mad at myself. Now I know what NOT to do.

These aren't from my backyard though I wish they were. They are from my grandma's raspberry patch. My grandpa can't get out there and pick them on his own so I have been picking them, freezing them and when they are done producing I will bottle them for him like my grandma use to do. Aren't they gorgeous? This is one of my favorite parts of fall, getting to eat all the yummy stuff that you grew all summer long.

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