Monday, February 6, 2012

February 5th - A really long day

For whatever reason I feel like I just need to get this out there, mostly so I can decompress and I have a feeling it's going to be a LONG ONE, just saying.

Before I begin let me just say that today was fast Sunday (and I get grumpy/irritable when I'm hungry), secondly for "another reason" I was extra irritable to begin with and lastly,  my hubby has been gone for 2 weeks and honestly I just need a break from the single mom life AND I miss my best friend!!

I knew it was going to be ONE OF THOSE DAYS when the first thing I had to do today was change 2 poopy diapers within 5 min of getting up. (Yesterday I had to change a total of SEVEN and they were the STICKY MASHED POTATO consistency type that are hard to get off little bums, that's can't be normal).

Chloe has a runny nose and the poor thing had DRIED SNOT from her forehead to her toes so she needed ANOTHER BATH even though she had one last night and I could not leave Mason and Gavin alone for 2 seconds without them BUGGING the other one. If one of them wasn't whining or crying the other one was.

To keep Gavin busy and away from Mason I had him help me make Monkey Bread to take to my mom's for the Super Bowl, good idea? NO. What should've taken 10 min ended up being more like 30 because he had to roll one ball of dough at a time in the bowl (there were 48 balls) and in the meantime the two little ones were literally getting into EVERYTHING!!

I made lunch for the kids and they were eating great. Mason wanted a second helping of Lima beans so I gave him more because I didn't want him to be hungry and he loves Lima beans. I FINALLY got in the shower around noon (church is at 1pm) while they finished eating and I could hear the boys fighting AGAIN. Mason was in his high chair so I knew it had to be Gavin. I hollered for him to leave Mason alone and his reply was "BUT MASON KEEPS HITTING ME!" So I tell him to stay away from the high chair and do you think he listens, NOPE! I got dressed and came out only to discover Lima beans SMASHED  on my floor that I JUST MOPPED yesterday. Mason threw them all out of his bowl, apparently he didn't really want that second helping, and Gavin had stepped on them when he was BUGGING Mason, perfect.

But even though I had to give an EXTRA BATH, wait forever for the monkey bread helper, CLEAN up Lima beans as well as part of the MESS the kids made so we could get to the door we actually make it to church with a few minutes to spare thankfully because I conducted in Relief Society today.

During the lesson I had to leave twice because Chloe was so TIRED and CRANKY. I had forgotten her blanket at home, LUCKY ME! I don't even know what the lesson was about. Thankfully though one of my girlfriends kidnapped Chloe during Sunday school so I actually got to sit and listen to the entire lesson uninterrupted : ) Thank you Tiffany!!

Then came sacrament meeting (we have church from 1-4, nap time, with sacrament meeting last). Gavin kept putting his paper from Primary on his head to balance it and of course it would fall of or Mason would knock it off so Gavin was chasing after it in the aisle and/or very loudly telling Mason to stop. I asked him multiple times to stop and did he? NO. Mrs. Irritable (me) just wanted to grab the paper, rip it up and throw it away, but that would've CAUSED A SCENE so I didn't. I just tried to be patient and finally he gave me the paper and I put it in my bag.

Then during the opening prayer the boys were SWATTING at each other for whatever reason and Gavin in a very loud voice was telling Mason to stop and Mason was telling him "NO" back. I'm pretty sure the only thing people could hear were my boys and not the prayer.  I tried to separate them, but it didn't help.

Somewhere before the sacrament it turned for the worst and I had HAD IT!! I grabbed my bag, retrieved Chloe from Tiffany and I left with Mason and Chloe crying, Gavin yelling "I DON'T WANT TO GO" and leaving a trail of relief society papers behind me. Luckily Oliver (Cody and I's good friend) got Mason and picked up my trail of papers and helped me to the car. (Thanks Oli!) SO MUCH FOR NOT CAUSING A SCENE IN SACRAMENT MEETING!

Gavin SCREAMED the entire way home "I want to go back. I'll be good! Let's go back please".  Once I got home I just left the kids in the van while I came into get the food for the Super Bowl party. I had to take a minute and just sit and DECOMPRESS for a minute. All I have to say is that I'm so glad that church is at 9am next week and nap time can be nap time!!!

I went to my parents and it was NO SECRET the kind of day I had. My mom stepped in and helped me get the kids out of their dress clothes and into their regular clothes. I finally ate AND I the kids were distracted by grandma and grandpa so I had some downtime, whew!! (Thanks mom)

The Super Bowl was good, GO GIANTS!! My favorite commercial was the Chevy truck commercial with the Twinkies, "Where's Dave?"  "....Dave drove a Ford"  "Want a Twinkie? " Ha!! Ha!! This was extra funny to us just because of my dad and Cody's long going Chevy vs. Ford's.

Mason did give me another NASTY GROSS DIAPER right before I put his pj's on (10th one in 2 days between the two kids, but I decided to take advantage of it. We were ready to leave so I bagged it up and we hit the road. This is going to sound GROSS, but 2 of my other sibling's also have kids in diapers so we are randomly leaving each other  POOPY diapers. We put then on each others cars, front porches, diaper bags etc (always contained in a plastic bag of course to contain the mess. It's like a "Hi I love you and wanted you to have this amazing gift" kind of thing).

I decided it was time to TEACH GAVIN THE ROPES and I asked him if he wanted to help me leave a poopy diaper on Paul and Erin's front porch. He said "yeah sure" and then was getting into it saying things like "they are going to step on it and get poop on their shoes and then it will explode and get all over them." I was kind of EXCITED that I had already converted my son to the DARK SIDE. We drove to my brother's house and I had Gavin run the poopy diaper and leave it on their front porch. He ran back to the van, I gave him a High 5 and we drove off into the darkness before turning the lights back on. We weren't even out of the neighborhood when he said:

G- Mom, you just made me do a bad thing
M - Honey, it's not a bad thing, it was just a joke. We do it to each other all the time
G- No, it was a bad thing and Santa saw me do it
M- Santa will know it was a joke
G- No he won't! He just saw me be bad (he's almost crying now)
M (talking to Santa)- Santa, I made Gavin do that so don't be mad at him, it was my fault
G- Mom, he can't hear you. We have to go back and get it before Paul and Erin see it!

So I turned around and we went back to get it, but Paul and Erin had just gotten home and the DIAPER WAS GONE. I got out to tell them what had just happened and asked them if they were going somewhere. Paul just laughed and Erin said "NOT ANYMORE, " which turned out to be a lie!! I got home and went back to the van to get the food out and saw them come around the corner, BUSTED!! so I just stood on my front lawn and WAVED at them. Then I went out a second time a little bit later to take out the garbage and there was the diaper on my front porch! Of course they denied it and claimed someone had stolen their car and must have done it. Revenge is SWEET and they are going to get it Bwahahahaa!!

I got Mason and Chloe to bed and then Gavin and I built a FORT out of  blankets and our "HAIR HOCKEY" table as he calls it. We got the flash light and told each other "scary" ghost stories in the dark. I LOVE HOW YOUR KIDS GIVE YOU AN EXCUSE TO BE A KID AGAIN! It was so much fun. He wanted to sleep in is fort so that's where he is, sound alseep! What a GREAT way to end a CRAPPY day.

So after a day of misbehaving kids, tantrums, running late, poopy diapers, practical jokes, forts and ghost stories I'm ready for a new day especially since my HUBBY COMES HOME TOMORROW!! = D

P.S. Yes, it was hard going from 1 to 3, and yes it was hard to figure out what they like/dislike and what works for them and what doesn't, and yes it's hard knowing that I missed the first months and year of their lives, and yes it's hard being a "single mom" for two weeks at a time, BUT, I LOVE MY KIDS and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I can't imagine my life without my sweetheart Gavin, by sometimes stubborn brown-eyed Mason, and my little Princess Chloe. I am so blessed to have them in my life, but this is the real world and life isn't perfect and we are all going to have horrible, no good, rotten, terrible days!

The End ~ Now I can get some sleep!!

P.S. Gavin told me this joke tonight:
What is a ghost favorite treat?   BOOB berry pie!
I'm pretty sure he meant BOO berry : )


stevie kay said...

I hope no one EVER makes you feel like you have to defend bringing Mason and Chloe into your home. You complain all you want! The rest of us do it all the time.

PS- I couldn't hear Gavin and Mason because we sat next to the Farrers and I think Wyatt was having a really rough day- he drowned your kids out :-) Last week was my turn to have a disruptive kid, with my 5 year old none-the-less!

Marie said...

goodness Teri! Let my girls sit with you during Sacrament meeting next time3 I can totally relate to this, I took 3 toddlers to church by myself for years, which is probably part of the reason I was not real active during those to make a long story short, let me help you!

Jessie said...

I am so glad you have so many good family and friends to help you out while your hubby is gone for two whole weeks! I can't imagine how tough that can be. We have church during nap time too. I know my time is coming... chaos times 3. One day. I send my sympathy. I know you're a wonderful mom, Teri! Keep it up. Your kids know you love them and it is obvious to the rest of us.