Sunday, August 6, 2017

Re-creation year one

 We took this same picture a year ago after we signed on the house and it was officially ours. I want to re create it every year. It was so hard to get this one. I worked that day, got off light and we were running out of daylight. I called Cody and asked him to get the kids shoes and coats on and to be waiting for me. 
I got home, the kids came out and I tried to put them how we were last year. I got my phone on my selfie stick, but by then the kids were getting cold, the wind kept blowing my phone so I would have to readjust it so you could even see us and somewhere in the middle the kids realized we weren't going anywhere, they just got ready so they could come outside for a picture. That's when it all went bad. There was crying, some yelling and may have even been a little bribing and swearing involved so we could take this. Nothing like a glimpse into real life right?

 The top is last year and the bottom is our recreation.
 One of the failed photos. Gavin was so upset because he thought we were going somewhere. Hopefully next year, it's a better and happier situation.

 We also recreated when Cody carried me over the threshold. He thinks I'm a dork for doing this, but one day we will look back through all of these and it's going to be so much fun. 


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