Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Eastern Idaho State Fair

Yummy Yummy Ice cream!
The Turkey - by Gavin
Who doesn't love fair food?
Let the rides begin!

Gavin had all kinds of rides picked out to go on, but unfortunately he was too short to go on a lot of them. We did find a Ferris wheel that he was tall enough to go on
Up Up and Away
Hands up!
Look at those smiles!
Happy Boys

L-O-V-E all my boys!!
Mason & daddy
Proof that Chloe & I were here too!
Shark Attack!
We heard there was a shark show & couldn't leave without letting the boys see it

Gavin milked this cow no problem but refused to milk a real cow when he had the chance too
 My little farm boy
Mason & Chloe kept trying to kiss the goats and Mason really did get kissed by one of them before we left

Gavin was obsessed with the tarantulas at McKee's and he wanted to hold one really bad, but was too scared. Then the man said, "let's have your mom hold it first and then you can." I have never been soo scared in all of my life!! I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest it was beating so hard and fast, but I held it to be brave for my little man!!
Surprisingly it was really soft, but it still freaked me out!
My Brave Boy
Now the only problem is he won't stop talking about it. He told me he wants to draw a picture of it so he can send it to Santa with his letter. That way Santa will know exactly what he wants. Good thing Christmas is months away, maybe he will forget about it! Cross your fingers!

These are 2 of the 30+ pictures that Gavin took of the Zebu

Gavin said his favorite parts were the Ferris wheel, tarantula and sharks.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I looove the fair! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun. And that girls only campout looks like a riot. :) Lucky.