Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Visit with Santa

Our Annual Visit with Santa
(Cody and I were NOT planning on being in the picture, but Mason and Chloe wanted nothing to do with Santa and we couldn't leave them out of the picture so they sat on our laps)

 This is a tradition that we started when Gavin was a baby, but it may be one that we may have to change, at least the getting the kids picture with him. I thought it was ridiculously priced the first year and even more so last year (a few in between they let you take your own picture). Next year if the prices continue to go up I may have to take out a second mortgage on our house before we go so I can pay for them!
 Gavin is completely set on getting a big orange dinosaur that "roars". He wanted to make sure that Santa knows exactly what he wants so he had his daddy draw a picture of  it for him. (Luckily when "Santa" went to the store there was one left, whew!)
 Gavin wanted to write the letter to Santa himself, but was anxious to go see him. He got the "Dear Santa" part done and wanted me to finish. I had him sign his name and then he told me what to write.
Gavin's letter to Santa
All ready to go!

Later that night:
Gavin: What if I was Santa's kid?
Me: Then you would have a fluffy white beard and a big belly
Gavin: No, I would be an elf!
Me: With pointy ears and funny shoes?
Gavin: Yep

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