Sunday, December 18, 2011


That's how I'm feeling right now, but let me explain why. Cody got a new job, one that replaces both of our yearly wages and then some, SWEET!!! 
This means:
-I got to quit my job at EIRMC 
-I'm a full-time mommy to my 3 babies!
(except for the two days a month I do surgery with Dr. Quinton)
-No more working nights, weekends, holidays, etc.
-I actually have time to catch up on things at home I have fallen way behind on
(I know I have 3 kids and it will still never happen, but a girl can dream right?)

BUT, he will be out of town for two weeks at a time which leaves me a temporary widow, BITTER!!
It will still be WONDERFUL to have his undivided attention when he is home for a week straight, but when he's gone, it's going to be hard, it is hard. 

There is so much he did everyday and all the time that I didn't even think about. For example:

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS:  I have never in my life hung Christmas lights up outside, until now. Gavin wanted to put some up and I thought "I can do this, it's not a big deal" and in a way it wasn't (once I got them untangled!!). I hung them up and couldn't get them to look how I wanted them too, but whatever they were up AND ON! That night I went outside to look at them in the dark and they were NOT WORKING!!  I checked the outlets, made sure none on the bulbs were broke and screwed in, etc. It was dark and freezing so I gave up for the night and went in the house. The next day I went out and messed with them again and still nothing. Luckily I was on the phone with my mom and she told me to check the fuses.....Christmas lights have fuses?? Sure enough I checked and there was a blown fuse, so I changed it and VIOLA, we have lights!! Thank you mom!

TAKING THE GARBAGE OUT: I don't know why I can't remember to do this because when Cody was home I was the one reminding him to take them out, but now that I'm the one in charge of taking the cans to the side of the street I forget!

WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID: I have done this before, but not since I got married almost 10 years ago. I ran out the other day and had to go buy some AND put it in by myself, so weird!

And then there's this:

Both of my parents gave me the hardest time when they saw this taped to my cupboard, but I don't want to forget and starve our dog. Once again Cody always did this every night, so I wasn't use to doing it. This sign is just a friendly hot pink reminder to feed and water  our canine friend.

MY HUSBAND: I miss him being here. I talk to him on the phone multiple times a day, but it's not the same. I miss his stupid jokes,  his corny made up songs that he would just randomly start singing, and his cooking!! I still cook, but when you are cooking for kids who would be happy with Mac and Cheese it's hard to want to make a nice dinner that me as an adult would enjoy. I also miss his help with the kids, it's a lot of work getting 3 kids bathed, in their PJ's and their teeth brushed and then staying awake long enough to brush my own teeth!!


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