Friday, April 9, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs (and the floor)

The Eggs!

One of the eggs had a crack in it and Gavin was inspecting it while we waited

When I was little it was always a tradition to mix all the colors together when we were done and make one really UGLY egg with it. It was all fun and games until Gavin bumped the cup of red which in turn knocked over the green...

...and VIOLA! Christmas at Easter!

I grabbed a towel and cleaned up the coloring. The liquid came up just fine, but everywhere where the coloring had sat (while I was taking this picture of course) stayed green and red, O crap! Luckily Cody had mentioned to me a few days earlier that vinegar works well to clean floors and just about everything else. I tried it and sure enough it came up! Whew! (Note to self, color Easter Eggs outside next year, even if there is snow on the ground!)

1 comment:

Kim-may said...

when did Gavin get so big? Where have I been?