Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Little Man is 3!

Here are a few tidbits about him:
He loves to sing and it's about the only time he pays attention during FHE. His favorite songs are:
-I Am a Child of God
-ABC Song
-Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
-Ring around the Rosies
-Do As I'm Doing

His favorite movies that he wants to watch over and over right now are Little Einsteins

He also loves story time, riding his "motorcycle" (tricycle) and can make it around our kidney bean shaped block in under 20 minutes!, licking the beaters after mommy has made treats, visiting Pompa Airplane @ work, playing with G&G's dog Charlotte, visiting the cows at Great G&G's, and playing with his cousins, Teagan and Kate.

He still loves, loves, loves airplanes, helicopters, trains and cars

Favorite Foods: banana's, applesauce, mashed potatoes, broccoli, chocolate milk, chocolate cake, raspberries and Ben & Jerry's Phish Food Ice cream.

He only gives out 1 hug and 1 kiss at bedtime and we never know which one of us is going to get a hug and who will get the kiss and there is no changing it, it's whatever he decides!

He loves bubble baths and is really good at brushing his teeth and letting mommy floss them without fussing.

He also loves "reading" his "airplane books" which are just airplane magazines that my mom gives him (see above picture).

We love you Gavin, Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

oldangelgirl said...

He's getting so big! And he kind of looks like Kenny (when he was little) in that picture! Weird!