Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon

Yes, I am one of those people who neglected my wifely, motherly and household duties every time a new Twilight book came out.
Yes, I am one of those people who bought my tickets to the movie months in advance to insure that I got to be one of the first to see the movie at 12:01 am
Yes, I am one of those people who bought a Twilight t-shirt to wear to the movie
Yes, I am one of those people who bundled up warm to withstand the bitter Idaho temperatures as I stood in line to get a good seat in the theater
Yes, I am one of those people who stayed up until 2:30 am and then had to be to work before the sun was even up the next morning
All bundled up and ready to go stand in line with my ticket in hand!

Erin, Alicia, Nikki, Linda, Misty, Kelly, Kayla, Jolie, Teri, Chelsea, and Deanna
More of us have arrived, there was 20 of us all together.
Tiffany's brother (that was his name for the night), Amanda, Tiffany, Alicia, Misty, Nikki, Kayla, Sara, Teri, Linda, Kelly, Chelsea, Deanna, and Jolie
In the theater where it was warm! Now what do we do for the next 2 hours? Talk and eat all of our yummy smuggled food!
Alicia, Deanna, Sara, Amanda, Jolie, & Nikki

We had a great time, thanks Chelsea for putting it all together! And I really enjoyed the movie despite the fact that I had been up for 20 hours straight by the time it started. I can't wait to see it again!


oldangelgirl said...

It was so good, wasn't it? I thought they did an excellent job and hit all the important parts from the book. We need to make plans to go to the movies!!

Cami said...

How fun! I love that you did all those things for the movie!