Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Life of Fry

I sometimes feel like he is so grown up and it makes me so sad that he is going to be graduating and flying the coop before I know it, but then I walk in on things like this and am reminded that he is still my little boy, at least for now, and I soak up every bit of it I can.
Chloe feeding Piper with Grandma Fry's help
We were driving down the street when Chloe exclaimed, "A snow pig!"We thought she saw something that was covered in snow that looked like a pig, but out of curiosity we turned around and guess what? There really was an actual snow pig! It had eyes, nostrils, a mouth and everything. I couldn't believe all the detail and that was even after it had snowed on it all morning. I can now take "See a real snow pig" off of my bucket list, ha ha!
 Five Fry's at Freddy's for Fat FRYday!
Mason was hexing something imaginary in the air
Chloe has discovered that wearing multiple pairs of undies is "more comfy"
Just more weird ways that my kids sleep
Hands on his face
No Pillow
Mason asked me if he could sleep in his goggles..why not
In her dance clothes, "talking" on her phone and wearing my boots
Pants are overrated, especially when you are coloring!
Chloe wanted to go to the movie theater and watch a movie. When I told her I couldn't drive because of my boot, she offered to drive...I'm pretty sure she couldn't reach the peddles and the steering wheel at the same time and there is no way she could even see out the windshield!!
After I convinced her that I didn't think it was a good idea for her to drive and kill us both, she made a movie theater in the living room. She spread her blanket out, had snacks and "projects" (paper and markers) for us to do and she had the remotes all lined up on the couch.
Gavin made an airplane out of his Tinker Toys
Saturday Snuggle! Where's daddy?
There he is!!
Time for a tea party, but don't forget your light sabers
Sometimes I walk into the weirdest situations
Paul was my taxi driver for me the other day, I bribed him with lunch and a date with Chloe. The night before Chloe asked me if she could get a "selfie" with Uncle Paul. This girl usually talks non-stop, but it was all Paul could do to get her to say a word. They did get their selfie though.
Costumes with the cousins
Followed by IJump the next day
Tayvri, Brigham, Gavin, Bailey, Chloe and Mason
We had Dilly Bars at Dairy Queen for Fat FRYday and the kids turned them into microphones and was singing along to the oldies
We had some time to kill between Gavin and Mason's game and they wanted to see the snow pig again and guess what?!? We found a snow horse!!
We came home from our date and found Keyara and Chloe, who was really hot and wanted to sleep in her undies but Keyara convinced her to at least partially leave her pj's on, snuggling on the couch. So cute!
Grandma Fry rescued us from the apartment and took us to Sam's Club and even treated us to lunch. Chloe's pizza was bigger than her head and she wanted 3 straws for her Icee. I don't know where she puts it all. She eats almost as much as she talks.

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