Monday, August 29, 2011

Hawley Creek and Meadow Lake

Hawley Creek
 Look at those muscles!
Drake, Isaiah, Lukas and Gavin
(Look how white my kid is!!!)
Gavin showing me his fish. Taiya found a jar of minnows (someone's fish bait) and was so excited. She gave all the cousins some and they put them in their water bottles. My sister-in-law told me she caught Gavin drinking from the bottle with the fish in there, YUCK!
 Maycee, Cassie and Alex
 Madilyn and Savannah
 Connelly was a little to animated with his story and fell back into the bushes. It was hilarious!
 Like father, like son
 I decided that Leadore reminds me a lot of Radiator Springs
 (on Cars)
 On the way to Meadow Lake we passed some "real cowboys" rounding up their herd

Meadow Lake
 Getting the hook ready. I love how clear and gorgeous the water is
 Playing in the lake. Lukas, Madilyn, Cassie, Maycee, Isaiah, Drake and Sadie
 Grandma Fry teaching the grandkids how to fish
Cherie, Treysen, and Gavin
 Admiring the view
Connelly, Aidyn, Treysen, Taiya, Madilyn, Gavin, Gma Fry and Drake
 It was so warm that day, especially for an elevation of over 9100 ft
Taiya, Treysen, Lukas, Gavin and Madilyn
 Gavin took to eating straight from grandma's brick of cheese. I promise I did teach him better
 Frank, Connelly, Cody, Gavin and Sherri
Gavin was "teaching" Sherri how to fish. He was telling her to "throw it out really far" and then once she did that he would tell her "now let it sit for a minute". It was pretty funny.
 We ran into one of my nursing school buddies and he offered to let us use his canoe and we couldn't resist. Cody and Connelly took it out and had more luck than fishing from the shore.
 There were 6 mountain sheep up on the ridge and we were able to get a good look at them through the binoculars. There were 5 adults and a little baby! It was fun to watch them.
 A couple of our friends Frank and Sherri who came up to hang out with us for the day. Gavin actually took this picture himself, not to shabby for a 4 year old
 Being a boy and playing with the worms
 Gavin with the camera again
 My bro-in-law Connelly
 Cody  feeding me grapes
(another pic by Gavin)
 We took a break from fishing and decided to hike up to one of the lakes/ponds on the other side of the mountain. We followed the directions Chris gave us (my school buddy) and just ended up walking in one big circle, but it was still very pretty.
 A few from the hike. If it wouldn't have been over cast you could've seen how beautiful the colors in the lake are. The water is so crystal clear. You can literally see the fish on the end of your line and watch then be reeled in, it's amazing.
 This tree was orange and black and all twisted.
 Two trees in one
 Annual Meadow Lake Family Pic
 Cody teaching Gavin how to gut fish
Connelly actually asked Cody if the Fish and Game put the holes in the fish so they were easier to gut. (referring to the fishes anus). Cody couldn't believe it! I told him he still had lots to teach his little brother.
Rinsing them all out.

We had the fish for dinner Sunday night and Gavin loved them. He ate an entire fish all by himself.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

What a fun summer! You make me want to go camping. Best wishes on your big life changes.