Monday, July 25, 2011

Holy Updates Batman!!

To put things simply, life has been CRAZY lately! Mostly good with some bad. It's our everyday lives with summer fun, hospital visits, birthday parties, garden weeding, bike rides!  Here's a rundown of what's been going on mingled with lots of random pictures!
This is bad thing #1. I smashed my finger in the garage door, not the little man door, the BIG car door and it hurt like H-E-double hockey sticks! I thought for sure I was going to lose my nail, but it's been a couple of weeks and it's still attached and not nearly as purple as it is in the picture.
Bad thing #2: My dad went in for heart surgery and to make a long story short they ended up aborting the surgery and he ended up in the ICU with his breathing tube still in for about a week. He ended up being in the hospital for nearly 2 weeks and is finally home! So it had a happy ending. We made a lot of trips to the hospital those two weeks. I'm so glad that I still have my dad around! Thank you everyone for all your prayers and support!

We have also been very busy with something else that takes a lot of our time, but I can't quite let it all out of the bag just yet so stay tuned cuz it's going to be awesome!!

Now for the random pics I promised!
Push me higher!
He came out of his room dressed like this. A wetsuit, a snowsuit and snow boots!
Look what I found!
A baby bird in the front yard
You can't really tell, but it's a double rainbow
So pretty
Gavin had his backpack on and then wanted to help cook, but didn't want to take off his backpack
He got in the pool with his clothes on when I wasn't looking!
He was jumping from side to side over and over again
"Look at me mom! I'm all wet!"

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