Sunday, January 23, 2011

Presto Hill

Treysen, Drake and Gavin-Bundled up and ready to go!
The first run of the day...
After the wreck
Snow rash!!  Not a good way to start the day.
Drake, Gavin, Cody & Treysen
I convinced Gavin to go on the sled with me..we wrecked.
Mommy and Gavin
We fell off the sled, but I still had a hold of him
Drake & Gavin at the top of the "HUGE HILL"
My brave man going for it
Almost made it!
Cody decided to try some pilates while sledding
Gavin would drag the sled all the way up the hill and then let go on purpose. He didn't want to go sit on it because he was afraid to crash again.
Chasing his sled down the hill
He decided this was the safer route


Cody and I
Treysen (in the middle of a crash), Drake and Gavin
Cody bombing the hill
Plastic sleds don't like rocks/tree stumps very much, neither did Cody's bum-bum
On the sled at last!
Not sure what Drake (in the middle) is doing!
Going Fast!
All worn out and ready to go!

An hour into sledding:

Gavin: Mom, when are we going sledding?
Me:We sledding right now.
Gavin: Are we having fun?
Me: (laughing) Yes we are having LOTS of fun!
Gavin: Oh, OK then.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

You went sledding too! Except waaay cooler. That looks like the dunes! We were missing those a few days ago.