Monday, January 3, 2011

Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam!

Gavin is officially in primary now! I can't believe it. Times for talks,
giving scriptures and of course the annual primary program.

 My Little Sunbeam
 Daddy and Gavin
Mommy and Gavin
 I admit, I got a little carried away with the pictures, but once you go to the trouble of setting the camera up on the tripod you might as well take advantage of the situation, right?

Gavin headed straight for the nursery after Sacrament meeting and I had to remind him that he's a big boy now and I took him to the Primary room. All he kept saying was "I don't want to be a Sunbeam!" (I don't blame him, he's trading 2 hours of toy time for 2 hours of sitting in a chair). He didn't want to sit by his teacher, so he sat in the row behind her. He seems so big in the nursery, but he was so small in with all the other primary kids. I didn't linger because he's a big boy and he can handle it, but I have to admit I was a little teary eyed when I got to Sunday school. His teacher Sister Lords said he was so good and he was very happy (and hyper) after church so I guess he does want to be a sunbeam after all!


oldangelgirl said...

So precious! And that last one was a great family picture, with all of you dressed up and smiling and everything. Well worth while. :)

Cami said...

So cute! I can't believe he is big enough to be a sunbeam. I was just released from being the sunbeam teacher and I miss it!