Monday, November 29, 2010

Warning: Lots of Gavin

Gavin hit his head on the apple tree and thought he needed a band-aid so he went and got one himself and put it on his head. I told him to throw the wrapper away and the next thing I know he has the garbage can outside and is putting the wrapper in it.
 I was baking like a maniac the week of Thanksgiving ( 2 pumpkin rolls, 5 apple pies, a brownie pumpkin cheesecake and 6 dozen rolls). Gavin is my little helper and mimics me. The day before he asked me why I had a towel on my shoulder. The next day when I asked him if he wanted to help me he disappeared into the bathroom and came out with the hand towel over his shoulder.
 Gavin woke up before us and apparently was very thirsty!
 He watched some Spiderman cartoons and now he is always
making a "web" and blocking us in or out of rooms
 He suddenly LOVES his green John Deere hat and wears it a lot.
He thinks it's so funny that it smashes his hair flat
 Decorating his own Christmas tree for his room
We buy him his own ornament every year

 He took this picture himself
His apple was broke and only held together by the skin. He was opening and closing the apple and making it say things like "Hello, how are you doing?"

Sorry this is probably really boring to a lot of you, but I want to remember 
the funny little quirks and everyday things about life so I post them.


Jessie said...

He sounds like a hoot! I can't believe this is the same little kid I saw in a car seat at IEC.

oldangelgirl said...

I love it when you post about Gavin, it's always hilarious and it makes me smile (if not laugh out loud). Keep it up!