Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's a GIRL(S)!!

Tis the season for baby girls (at least on my side of the family). My sister, Karen, just found out that she is having a baby GIRL, yeah! Despite Cody's good efforts they will not be naming her Beulah Mae as previously suggested, instead they decided to name her Madisen Marie. I know it's a real toss up, but I guess they get to choose since they are the parents and all. ; )

I'm so excited, but I must admit just a little bummed because I wanted Gavin to have a little boy cousin to play with, but that's OK. My brother dressed up like a girl and played "Little House on the Prairie" with me as well as Barbies and he turned out alright so I'm sure Gavin will be fine.

Also, speaking of baby girls my cousins Mindy & Robyn are also having baby girls of their own so there will be lots of pink & purple ribbons and pigtails running around before to long. Congrats to you all!


Ras Family said...

Thanks!!! We are so excited to have another little girl. On Aaron's side the girls are out numbered 15 to 5 with our new little one. So we NEED more girls on his side!!!

Cami said...

You had me for a second with your title....:) Congrats to your sister that is fun. Maybe she and Gavin will still be the best of friends!

naldersrock said...