Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Life of Fry

We had a crazy hail storm blow through town the other night. They were pretty big.
Gavin at one of his pack meetings
Cody and Journey Rae aka Squishy
Cody was feeding Journey, but she kept wanting the fork so he grabbed another one and he kept refilling the empty one and trading her. It was so cute and funny to watch.
The boys had the Non-Channing Tatum Magic Mike come show them some real magic tricks at pack meeting. I have to admit he was pretty amazing, but definitely not as hot as the other Magic Mike ; )
Chloe and I found my wedding dress while we were getting the house ready to put on the market. She wanted to try my dress on, but she settled for my veil. I did put my dress on for her and it still fit as long as I didn't try to zip up the zipper!
Fat FRYday brought to you by the Carmel Tree
Oreo and Snickers carmeled apples
We were at my brother's and out of the deck. Gavin came out to get me and was missing a shoe. He said he wanted to show me something so I followed him into the house, through the kitchen, down the hall and into the laundry room. He picked up his missing shoe and showed me how the kitten was swatting at his shoe laces. He spent a long time in there playing with the cat. He loves animals.
Faith was teaching Chloe how to make mud pies
They even added apples to it

Taylor was giving Mason rides on the dirt bike and popping wheelies with him
This is what Chloe did in the waiting room while her brother's were getting their hair cut
My Little Spidermen
Gavin and his best buddy Porter. They ride their bikes to school together. 
Chloe sweet talked one of the nurses out of a root beer while we were waiting for my dad to have a procedure.  
I sent the boys out to the van to go to church and this is what I found when I got in. This is what the Sunday after the fair looks like! And no, I didn't let them wear them to church.
We locked ourselves out of our house so after church we had to send out 8 year old in his suit over the fence to rescue us!
My first apple pie of the fall season
Chloe and Megan had their Teddy Bear Picnic at preschool

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