Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cody's Serenade

At our ward Christmas Party we had a Barber Shop Quartet come and perform for us. About half way through the program they called Cody up to the front by name and sang a song to him, I don't know the name of it, but something about "you ain't gettin' diddly squat cuz you really screwed up this year."
If you watch he glances over at me when they are singing about leaving his dirty socks around. That's because that's what our first "fight" as a married couple was about, him leaving his dirty socks around so it was very fitting.


Raini said...

This was funny! You have an awesome and fun ward. I'm jelous!

oldangelgirl said...

Lol!! So funny! Do you know how they got his name?

FiveFrys said...

Angie- It was someone in the ward who set it up, everyone knows how naughty Cody is