Friday, July 31, 2009

Jamaican Me Crazy!!!

Since this is the first time I have blogged about one of my family reunions I thought I would explain them a little first so you don't look at the pictures and wonder why the mental hospital let us all out at once.
Every year we have a family reunion with my mom's side of the family, the Butikofer's. The difference between our family reunion and others is that we have a BLAST together and every year we have a theme. It's usually the 3rd week in July every year and goes Wednesday-Sunday. On Friday night we all dress up as the theme and eat food that relates to that theme. Some of the previous themes we have had have been: Pirates, Hollywood, Greece (over 100 people in toga's, what a sight!), Cowboys & Indians, Hawaii, etc. Every year it's something different.
This year is was Classic Disney goes to Jamaica. Each of my mom's 9 brother's and sister's were assigned a different Classic Disney cartoon to dress up as (some with a Jamaican twist) and we ate Jamaican food that night. It's so much fun to see all the costumes and try food from all over the world.
Gavin had a blast this year, he was old enough to enjoy everything. We took him frog hunting one night and caught 2 big frogs and he loved it. We had to go show everyone his frogs. He also loved the water and it was hard to keep him from jumping of the dock himself.
It is so much fun to get to catch up with everyone every year and see how much their kids have grown. We look forward to it every year!


ang said...

that is awsome. one thing i know about you and your family is you all know how to have a good time. loved the pics from camping what grat memories. you guys are so awsome

Cami said...

What a fun reunion and a great idea! And I LOVE the pictures!

oldangelgirl said...

This is what I like to call blackmail material...