Thursday, July 31, 2014

Legacy Flight Museum

I had been wanting to take my kids to the Legacy Flight Museum for a long time and we just happened to be in Rexburg one afternoon so we stopped and we picked a great day to stop. The air show was they next day at the airport (where we were) so the pilots and all their planes were showing up for the big show the next day so we got to see lots of extra planes that aren't normally there.
 "Ole Yeller"
 The Jelly Belly pilot saw the kids there so he loaded them up with packages of Jelly Bellies
 This was the biggest plane there at the time. They were washing it all up and they let the kids each take a turn with the rag cleaning it up. 
We spent a lot of time upstairs looking at old uniforms, missles, bullets, etc. Gavin couldn't believe how big it all was. I spent a lot of time on Google trying to find the answers to all the questions he was asking me. 

 We also were able to watch a few of them land and do fly by's. It was a fun afternoon.

June 13, 2014

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