Saturday, February 27, 2016

Gavin's First Blue and Gold Banquet

 Gavin's Blue and Gold Banquet was Star Wars themed and it was so awesome. Sister Lynn Mitchell had the gym completely decorated, not leaving a single detail out. 
For dinner we had a potato bar and even it was cleverly done. The potatoes were "Darth Taters" and the chili was "Chewbacca Chili" to name a few. 
The boys made Star Wars themed cakes that we all ate for dessert. Gavin wanted to make a full size 3D Yoda head until I reminded him that he had to do it not me and that even I couldn't make a cake like that. He decided on a Kylo Ren light saber cake instead.
 Black frosting is never a good idea, look at that tongue!
I'm not sure if this was cheating since there aren't really any rules, but we decided to use rice crispy's instead of cake because how in the heck to you make a light saber out of a cake and not have it completely fall apart as you try to frost it? This way Gavin could actually do it all himself and I wouldn't have to worry about him tearing the cake up as he frosted it. 


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