Tuesday, February 2, 2016


The kids were out of school for the day and it had snowed the night before. There was no way we weren't going sledding.
He couldn't handle the corner and fell off

Mason and Chloe played on the toys and then migrated to the snow piles

Gavin joined in while I elevated my foot

 Cody texted me and asked me what I was up to so I sent him this. He responded with, "Are ya cold?"

In all the playing Gavin ended up loosing a leg. 

We were outside in the 21 degree temps for over an hour before they decided they were frozen, but when we got back to home they wanted to ride their bikes and play on the big snow hill there.
Mason found Mother Natures version of a light saber

When they FINALLY decided to come in the house they were all frozen little popsicles. I made a big batch of hot cocoa and a big pot of chicken noodle soup to warm up our insides.


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