Friday, February 26, 2016

Goodbye Bunion

My dear sweet mom and grandma passed down to me the wonderful gift of bunions and up until recently haven't caused me any problems. My right foot was getting to where it would ache everyday pretty much all day and by the end of a 12 hr shift was pretty much screaming at me so I did what any person would do to someone who was yelling at them, I got rid of it ; )

I did kind of dreaded when people would ask me what I did because every time I would say I had a bunion removed I felt like I should be 90 years old because only really old grandma's have bunions right? Others just assumed I slipped on the ice and broke my foot, so I have been labeled at "old" and "clumsy" for the past few weeks. 
This is a print out of the "after". It's pretty wrinkly because Cody had it in his pocket.
I work at Dr.Quinton's office for him on his surgery days. I had mentioned to them that I kept having dreams that I accidentally ate and my surgery had to be cancelled so they had lots of reminders up for me.
My new sidekick (get it?!?!?) for the next few weeks
This was my first check up afterwards. The girls cut snowflakes out of the coban to decorate my dressings for me. The first time I saw my foot after surgery was surreal. I was looking at my own foot, but it didn't look at all like mine. Where was the bump? Why isn't it sticking out? It was so weird, like an out of body experience.
They also surprised me with this super cute cover to keep the snow out of my boot so my socks stay nice and dry.
Hearts for Valentine's Day
I was color coordinated this day.
Do you want to feel like a complete dork and have everyone at Walmart staring at you? Then get one of these scooters and cruise around on a Friday night.
My foot prints in the snow
I was pretty much a prisoner of my apartment. I couldn't drive because A- I couldn't put any pressure on my right foot while it was healing B-The camwalker was on my right/driving foot so I couldn't bend my heal at all to press on the gas while not hitting the brake at the same time safely.
So needless to say, Chloe and I couldn't go anywhere unless it was on foot which also didn't really happen because it was to slick and icy for crutches and I physically couldn't walk very far. I had dreams of catching up on some movies that I have been wanting to see, but Chloe pretty much just wanted to watch "My Babysitter is a Vampire", "Hocus Pocus" and "The Santa Clause". I did try to watch something I wanted to watch but it wasn't worth it because I couldn't hear it anyway over her whining because she didn't want to watch it, she was bored, she had no one to play with, etc. So instead she would watch her show and I would color in my adult coloring book.
In the middle of the healing process. It you look closely you can see the "V" cut. Despite having a previous break in that bone pretty much right in the middle of where the surgery took place I'm healing really well and right on track.
After 6 week's I'm FINALLY wearing 2 shoes!! I can still only wear these shoes because my foot is still a little swollen especially at the end of the day and/or my other shoes rub right where the incision is which is still pretty tender right now so don't judge if I'm all dressed up but in sneakers!

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