Friday, February 26, 2016

Mason's Date Night

Mason wanted me to surprise him for his date night and it didn't take me long to think of something. We headed to the mall and as soon as we walked into Dillard's he knew exactly what the surprise was. We made trip after trip up and down the escalators. I'm sure the employees were getting annoyed with us, but we were behaving and it was moving whether or not anyone was on it right? Don't let a good escalator ride go to waste.

Our next stop. I had a $5 bill that we took to the carwash to get quarters, but the change machine was on the fritz so I only ended up with $1.75 worth of quarters (I did get the rest back the next day) so it didn't give him very many rides. 
Then we found these!
Yep, that's me acting like a kid riding a hippo around the mall, but look at that happy face, it was totally worth it!!
My handsome boy
The top picture completely cracks me up!! He had never been in a photo booth before and didn't understand where to look and that it took pictures when it wanted regardless of whether or not you were ready. He kept looking at the wrong spot, didn't understand why I wanted him stand all the way up and was just thrown off by the entire thing. It was a big hot mess, but we have these fun pictures to remember it all.


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