Thursday, September 22, 2011


When I first started my blog I named it "fryfamilyof3" not really thinking about the future and what it would hold. It was named rightfully so because of Cody +Teri+Gavin=3. Well now it has an entirely new meaning. We just found out that we get to adopt two more babies so the new equation is

Gavin + Mason + Chloe = fryfamilyof3


Mason was born March 8, 2010
(Gavin & him are almost exactly 3 years apart)

Chloe was born Jan. 1, 2011 (1-1-11) 
I think I might know what her favorite number will be!

And yes, you are reading the dates correctly, Mason and Chloe are only 10 months apart. We are definitely going to have our hands full but it's going to be WONDERFUL



They will be coming next week so look for lots of new and exciting things to be happening at our house : )

P.S. Cody want's everyone to know that just because our kids initials spell out G.M.C. (Gavin, Mason, Chloe), it doesn't mean we are going to be buying one.

Speaking of cars......I'm going to need a BIGGER ONE!

Look Mom! No Training Wheels

Gavin was at Aunt Sadie's on Monday and wouldn't you know it he decided to learn to ride a bike without training wheels and without mom or dad there to witness the event! I was so excited and yet so sad, another "first" that I missed because I was at work. : (  Being the nerdy mom I am I went home and got the camera AND camcorder and went back to Sadie's to at least document the day and place.
 Gavin on Luke's bike

Gavin was so excited he ran outside to tell Cody when he got home. Cody could tell he I was upset that I missed it, so he tried to make it up for me. He took the training wheels of of Gavin's bike (that was also Cody's first bike) so that I could watch him ride his bike for the "first" time without training wheels. I love my boys!
 Getting ready to go

 All ready to go on our first family bike ride Training-Wheel-Free!
 Gavin wrecked into a thorny rose bush on the way home. He was pretty much ok until he rubbed his face and got blood on his hands and then it he thought he was going to die! I had to pull the thorns out of his face with a pair of tweezers, but he was so brave! After the wreck he still wanted to finish riding his bike home, what a trooper.
He also had a hard time riding past wooden fences that are up against the sidewalk. He gets distracted by them and rides right into them.

On a side note:

Gavin saw this advertisement on TV the other night and (referring to Ashton Kutcher) he said, "Mom, There's Jesus( a pause)...why doesn't he have any clothes on?" Boy did I have some explaining to do!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

All in the Lord's hands

The Lord helps those who helps themselves. At this point Cody and I have done all that we can do and we have turned it all over to Him. We have received many reference letters and are overwhelmed by all of the love and support that we have felt over that past few months by friends, family, co-workers and ward members. Thank you so much and we appreciate all of you. No matter what happens we know we tried our best and it's meant to be. Only Heavenly Father can see the big picture and know what's next. I just wish he would give us a hint about Thursday. I guess after all of this 4 more days isn't going to kill us right?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where were you?

It's been 10 years since 9/11 yet I can still vividly remember so much of that day. I had been home to Rigby visiting for the weekend and was headed back to Idaho State University for a Tuesday morning class when I heard about it on the radio. I remember thinking, "No way, this can't be happening, this is America!"  I called Cody (we weren't married at the time, or even engaged yet for that matter) and told him he should turn on his TV and he just said 'I'm already watching" and then we just sat in silence for a minute listening to what we were both hearing on the radio and TV.
I went to my first class (Zoology taught by a blonde Tarzan look-a-like professor) and we didn't even have a lecture. We were all talking about what was going on and then he released us early.
After class I went to the SUB (student union building) and the area around the big screen TV was packed. All the chairs were taken and even standing room was hard to come by. So many people didn't even go to the rest of their classes, we were all glued to the news.
For days and weeks after that I remember the extensive coverage, the horrific pictures and the heroic stories that were told. America really came together as a nation during that time.
It's crazy how in a tragedy like that you can remember so many details from so long ago and I sometimes can't remember what I went downstairs for.
I also remember when I heard that Princess Diana died, but not nearly as well. I was at Broulim's in Rigby renting a video with my friend Carl, but that's about it.
What do you remember from 9/11? Just curious

Friday, September 9, 2011

Even Batman Sleeps

We put Gavin to bed, in his bed and only in his pajamas, and then went to check on him before we went to our bed and this is what we found. I LOVE THIS KID!!!

First Day of Preschool

Gavin started preschool on Tuesday, Sept. 6th. He goes to Wee Scholarz. As he was getting dressed he told me that he couldn't go to preschool because he didn't have any Batman clothes. He settled for his pirate shirt because it's black, his favorite color. He was excited to get to use his backpack for school instead of everything else. I dropped him off at school and then headed to the store to buy him a Batman shirt so he could go to school on Thursday ; )
He had a good time and was excited to tell me about all of his new friends and show me his clown that he had made. He asked me when he got to go again so that's a good sign right?
I decided to capture the moment because it will never be his first day of preschool again and I gave him a little interview. He is normally not shy at all, but put a camera in his face and he is. Good thing he wants to be a pilot and not an actor.

First Day of Preschool Interview from Teri Fry on Vimeo.

Goodbye for now MMSC

I have been putting this post off for over a week now because it makes me sad to look at these pictures. These are a handful of the gang at MMSC that I worked with.  My last day (as a part-time employee) was last Thursday, Sept. 1st. I have spent the last 2 years with these guys laughing, joking, telling stories and of course working hard, but I had a hard decision to make. I need to be home more with Gavin so I can get him to preschool etc., the commute was killing my gas budget, oil changes and tires, and there was the waking up at 4 am three times a week. I recently started at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center and while it's only a 5 min commute, more $$, and only 2 days a week, it's still hard to not to really miss the people that I spent lots of good times with. It was a fun place to work.
Todd and Jeff, two of the CRNA's
Dr. Mauseth = super cool pediatric dentist
Jared who I nicknamed J-Wo
Sherri and Michelle
Dave aka Shotgun
We needed a new lead apron and I wanted hot pink, but I was out voted and then SURPRISE! They ordered a hot pink one for me = )
Ryver and Gavin eating pizza at my farewell party
Ryver is Raini's son, they went to daycare together and are buds
The Gang (minus a few)
Back row: Debbie, Marilyn (aka the Cougar), Teresa, Monica, and Raini (aka Raindawg) Front row: Bree, Emily (aka Eddie), me and Tamara (aka Dorcus, aka Salty Seniorita aka Big Mama) I wish I would've gotten some more of them in action, but it was a crazy day!!
I previously wrote things on their windows like "Just Married" and "Toilet trained Llamas for Sale" etc so as a final going away present they decided to get me back by decorating my car for me. So I drove from Rexburg to Idaho Falls with a car looking like this!
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