My sister somehow thought that I was the one that toilet papered her house and returned the paper to us while we were at Keylee's birthday party.
The kids loved it and had so much fun playing in it the entire way home. It wasn't as much fun cleaning it all up and throwing it away when we got home.
Chloe lost her first tooth and then she lost it (literally) on the bus. She was so sad, but then we got a call from Bailee her cousin telling her that she had lost a tooth as well.

Both had their first lost tooth on the same day and it was the same tooth : )

We HAD to get a picture! How often does this happen?!?! So much fun!

This is the letter that Chloe wrote to the Tooth Fairy explaining what had happened.
"Chloe (she put her name on her paper, so cute)
Tooth Fairy
I lost my tooth on the
bus I did not find it
It is my first tooth I am sorry I can't
give it to you I hope you can
still come to my house
Love Chloe Jo Fry"

She was SUPER excited the next morning when the Tooth Fairy really did come.

Two days later she had another super wiggly one

So we pulled it out
I turned 29...again. Cody made me brownies on my actual birthday
That weekend he made me a cake and invited our families over. This time he added 9 more candles to my cake. I guess the secret is out.
My brother was kind enough to leave me this "gift" on my phone
This is November and the kids are outside playing in summer clothes. Can you believe it?
I tiled the backsplash in my mom and dad's kitchen one Saturday afternoon. Chloe was my little helper and took all the packaging off the tiles for me.
We made it to church on time and now we have proof
One of Gavin's creations
All ready for scouts
Gavin was dubbed a Knight at pack meeting. Sister Clayton always does a cute job with pack meeting.
Chloe has been obsessed with buns lately
Crazy hands
Chloe likes to work on her lesson while I prepare mine for Relief Society
Gavin made a HUGE tower with cups and then he knocked them down. It was pretty awesome.
Saying Goodbye to baby Eloise. My sister in law and her family are moving to Henderson Nevada and we will only be able to see them a few times a year now.
Mason "surfing" on his daddy's back
November 2016
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