Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Life of Fry - December

Karen took all the kids to Midnight Madness while we were in Cancun. Luckily my niece Faith was there to help her. 
My sister sent me pictures while we were gone, can you believe I left my kids with this crazy lady!?!?!  Just kidding!

Karen made the comment that she wanted to keep Gavin because she was such a good helper. He would feed the dogs without being asked and did other things as well.
Working on their Advent calendars
Dinner time
Cody's Uncle Don bought him a Miami Dolphins Super Bowl ring so we stopped in Pocatello on the way to the airport to pick it up. He was so excited
The boys were inspecting "where the aliens landed" while waiting for the bus. They finally realized it was only where daddy's truck was parked.
Gavin makes breakfast for us occasionally on school/work days. He is so good a t scrambled eggs and I really don't know what he does different but his taste way better than mine.
The kids looked so cute all bundled up and ready for the bus stop. I wanted to remember it.
Santa was ringing the bell for the Salvation Army and I don't know what overcame me, but I gave him a hug. He asked me if I had a camera. I had my phone with me and he said, "Let's take a selfie" so we did! Can't argue with Santa, especially this close to Christmas!
The trees outside of Dr. Quinton's office
I love the contrast of the snow with the red berries and dark bark.
This is the amount of snow that fell on my car between 7 am and 2 pm. So crazy!
All ready for church with her crazy tights and mismatched colors. I had her leave the sunglasses and put the scarf around her neck, but this is how she went to church.
Big brother gave her a ride into the building because her footwear wasn't very accommodating to the snow.
Gavin and baby Ben
Chloe painting daddy's nails. She painted them Glow-in-the-Dark so you can't really tell they are painted.
 This is how you wear shorts in the winter, add some leggings and winter boots!
We went to the movie "Sing" with the Cawley cousins over Christmas break. 
Gavin's army men were in a battle with the Pegasus' and mermaids that I set up
I found this on my phone later. A Pegasus couple kissing with a sniper in the background. Sometimes I really want to be in the mind of my 9 year old to see what he is thinking and how his brain works
Making cookies with daddy
These were suppose to be Gingerbread men and stars...but they still taste good.
Cody and Ben : )
Again, I want to be inside his mind!!
The perks of teenage cousins, they make you look like a unicorn : )
I went in to check on Mason and he was practically sitting up because he had 3 pillows under him.
Then I went in to check on Chloe and she had all but one of her pillows on the floor.
Another game of Flashlight Nerf Wars is about to go down!!
Tea Party with my Princess
He has been licking this jaw breaker all day, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any taste buds left.
Mason's first sewing lesson
Chloe made a little purse with a heart on it
We all went outside to pull our cars up closer to the back door at work. We were laughing at ourselves and how we looked in our boots and coats.
Helping me make breakfast
This guy is intense!
Chloe made her bed with ALL her pillows and ALL of her blankets. I think she has an addiction to both.
Underwear Super Hero's
ALWAYS in his boots. He would sleep and bath in them if I would let him.
My reader
Mason told Megan he is going to marry Brinley. Brinley hear him so she made a wedding dress. Her mom Megan sent me the picture. 
We went to Walmart in Rexburg to exchange our cotton candy machine that didn't work. The kids got out of the van and Chloe said, "I'm going to put my tongue on that (pointing to the cart corral) and see if it sticks. (They just watched "A Christmas Story" three times in the last week and knew exactly what would happen). Cody had literally just finished telling Chloe NOT TO DO IT when Mason stuck his tongue to it. Cody hurried and checked the van for water/liquid of some kind and I (don't judge me we were desperate and in the middle of a parking lot) tried to save my saliva in my mouth while melting snow in my hand to put on his tongue, but before we were able to use any of those things his pulled his tongue off himself. It of course started bleeding right away so we hurried into the store and straight to the bathroom to clean him up. When we came back out when we were all done we noticed this:
Frozen blood from his tongue!! I bet he never does that again! We went to Big Judd's afterwards to eat and anyone who knows Mason knows that he LOVES food. He tried to eat some hamburger and even fries, but it hurt his tongue too bad so the poor little guy had Root beer for dinner.
Chloe had her daddy paint her fingernails for her. She told me, "I'm going to ask daddy because he does a good job". She alternated between red and green for Christmas.
Gavin organized all of he and Mason's stuffed animals on his window seat and then asked for my phone. I followed him to see what he was going to do with it. He wanted a picture of how good it looked. 


-I was the first one up one Sunday morning and I was finishing my lesson as the kids came out one by one and snuggled with me on the couch. I asked Gavin if he enjoyed sleeping in his own bed (he was at Aunt Karen's while we were out of town) and he said it was good but even better that he finally gets to snuggle with me.

-Cody said he missed being in Cancun. I assumed it was because of the warm weather, relaxing, etc. and  he said "no I miss you. I miss spending the whole day with you."  I sure do love my man. 


-We made a record today at work, 68 surgery cases in one day. The first time ever in the history of Mountain View hospital and guess who was the charge nurse in PACU? Me!! I thought it went very well and I even got compliments on a job well done. We even had a rapid response and had to get the crash cart, but all went smoothly. I also broke my own personal record and had 8 of my own patients today. I'm glad we aren't always that busy. 12.29.16

  Me-What kind of love?
  Chloe - UNICORN LOVE. 


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