Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Fry Family Ornaments 2016

Our Family Ornament
It says "New Home 2016"
Look at the pretty little pine cone on my tree
Cody and I also bought this nativity ornament carved out of a gourd while we were in Mexico

The kids fell in love with these red letter ornaments at Target and wanted these this year
(more adorable pine cones)

The tree touches the ceiling before I put the star on it. When we first bought this house one of the things I was most excited about was that I could finally have a HUGE Christmas tree and here it is!! Someone pinch me : ) 
My sister in law Erin gave me the idea to put it in a bucket so I borrowed it from my parents. It turned out so cute. The lights were a nightmare just like always. I got my lights out and discovered on of the strands wouldn't stop blinking and I couldn't figure out which bulb was the "blinker" so I could remove it. The other strand was normal, but only half of it worked. I thought I remembered buying Christmas lights on clearance last year, but I couldn't find them. 
My mom saved the day and brought me a bin of lights. I pulled out the white ones, made sure they all worked and then started putting them on the tree only to discover they were icicle lights! I can't win. I used them anyway and they actually worked out really nice because I could wrap the icicle part of the strand up the individual branches. 
Once I was all done and had the tree all decorated (and was scolded by my children for not letting them help me. I was trying not to interrupt their movie) I was putting all my decoration totes away and found two brand new boxes of never used white lights...I knew I had bought some!!
So dreamy!!

The kids wanted to know why I tied sticks to the presents?!?!?I thought it was cute and different, but I guess kids just call it like it is.
Remember the double rainbow guy?
Well what about a double fire??


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