We all went camping up in Kelly Canyon over Memorial Day weekend
Dad decided to hop on Madisen's dirt bike and go for a spin around the loop. The grand kids thought grandpa was so funny!

Playing and pretending in the woods and I guess Mason is making sure his belly button is still there.

I tried to take a picture of them all and they ran away from me

Mason and Megan

I told the kids to see if they would all fit on the rock at the same time. After they got on I got a picture of ALL of them. It happened so fast they didn't have time to run away : )

This kid LOVES his four wheeler

My chair tipped over and everyone had to get pictures before they helped me back up. Ahhh, sibling love.

My funny kid
Loving the dirt
Everyone was teasing him because dad's FORD had to pull out his GMC! There is always the Ford vs Chevy/GMC debate going on.
Mason crashed into a bush with the four wheeler and his hand was covered in blood. It looked so bad, but once I got him calmed down and the blood cleaned up there were barely any scratches on it.

Chloe and Keylee. She went
fishing w Kenny and his family all day long. I warned them she is a non-stop talker and non-stop eater, but I don't think they really believed me until they brought her back!
Kenny kissing his catch
Ha! Ha! I love kids, camping and fish heads!
Kenny's head, Gavin, Taylor, Braxton
Safety first with this one! Kenny is always taking selfies while riding. He is so naughty.
If there is mud Kenny will find it on his dirt bike or in his truck and then he will show it to Gavin who does this!

Then at night when it's time for his bath, Gavin looks like this! At least I know he is having fun.

Riding down the hill near camp

Brothers bonding through riding

I love watching my kids help each other out, it melts my heart.

And this is what it looks like when your sister rides her 6 year old's bike and hits a tree!
She tried to convince me it was because she didn't want to hit me, but as you can see from the picture there is plenty of room between us. LOL

Mason showing Aunt Karen how to NOT hit a tree. ;)

He rode this for hours

The kids and I went on a ride and we couldn't believe the view. I had to take a picture

Dirty face and Cheetos = Camping happiness

Uncle Kenny taught Brigham how to ride a dirt bike. He did so well. The kids spent hours riding around and around the figure 8 by camp. Someone ended up in Brigham's way and he ended up detouring into the poky bushes and kept going. He was almost out the other side when he crashed and had to be rescued.

Hitting jumps while going down a hill. Not a mom's favorite thing to watch, but he loves it.

The dirtier the faces, the happier the boys

Target practice

Chloe and I went for a ride on a "bumpy trail". It was Hawley Gulch Trail. She kept talking (surprise) and I couldn't hear her over the atv with a helmet on so I would pull over to see what
she was saying and she would tell me stories about her day. Then we had
to stop and pick flowers. It probably took twice as long and Cody ended up coming and looking for us, but that's that much more time we were able to spend together and look at this picture, it's STINKING ADORABLE!! She cracks me up.
When we got back my dad told me that my grandpa was on that trail on horse back and ran into a black
bear. He said grandpa told the bear "You're lucky I don't have a gun or you'd be dead" and the
bear walked away and left him alone!

She would climb about anything to get to the flowers.

Porcupine Tree

Megan and Mason

Traditional/Mandatory (commence eye rolling) last day of camp family photo
Things to remember and other misc memories:
*I beat my mom over and over and over again at Rack-O
*Brigham learned how to ride a dirt bike with Kenny's help
*Dad riding Madi's little dirt bike
*Karen driving the same dirt bike into a tree
*Cody and I took the boys on a ride. We were on the 4 wheeler, Gavin was on his bike and Mason was on the
little 4 wheeler. We were riding down along the river and Mason was so scared
he was going to fall in and was crying so we turned around. On the
way back he was going really slow so I sent Cody and Gavin ahead of us.
Mason started crying again because his thumb was tired so I ended up towing
him back to camp with my four wheeler using the rope I had in one of the storage bags.
While we were gone Chloe fell and hurt her hand and was crying
inconsolably. Karen carried her to me and I sat on a rock with her in my
lap and rocked her until my bum, leg and foot were so numb I wondered
if I would ever walk again.
*Chloe forgot her Cinderella baby in the woods
May 27-May 30, 2016
Kelly Canyon
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