I worked at Dr. Quinton's on April Fool's. We pulled a prank on Steve and gave him medium women's scrubs and he actually put them on and posed for a picture. It was hilarious! He was such a good sport about it.
My bed was taken over by kids and Easter candy
Chloe is such a girlie girl but she also loves playing in the dirt
Cody "mowing" our apartment parking lot because that's completely normal right?!?!?
This kid and his insanely long lashes! I'm so jealous.
I took the kids to Sugar Mill park to play after school one day. Gavin just wanted to stay in the van and finish his book.
When he did finally get out he was at the bottom of the slide and Chloe came down landing on his bare feet (yes he was naughty and had his shoes off) and ended up with a rock in his toenail.
Yes an actual rock embedded right into his toenail.
I tried all kinds of things to get it out. I tried a needle to dig it out, a razor to scrape over the top to see if it would come out, I put duct tape on it and pulled it off to see if it would stick etc. but nothing was working.
I finally called Dr. Quinton (the podiatrist I help in the O.R.) and he couldn't believe it. He's been practicing for 17 years and has never heard of such a thing. He gave me a few ideas (he was out of town so couldn't meet me at his office), but none of them worked either. I thought about taking Gavin to the Dr, but by then he said it wasn't hurting anymore so we decided to just keep an eye on it and see what happens.
Update: The nail grew out far enough we were able to clip it and the rock is now in the garbage : )
Cody was still in Boise when the boys had "Donuts with Dad" at their school. I went in his place, but it just wasn't the same. After school we bought donuts and a poster board to make our own "Donuts with Dad". This is what Cody came home too. He was so excited!
On the second Sunday of every month we meet at one of my Aunt's or Uncle's houses and celebrate everyone's birthday's for the month. This time, we met on Saturday at Green Canyon, all swam together as a family and then had cake and ice cream. It was so much fun.
We stopped at what's left of the Teton Dam on the way home to show the boys (Chloe was with cousins) and tell them about the flood.
Sometimes I wonder about this guy. He has a slight obsession with all things poop.
We ran into the BEST Sunbeams teacher in the world, Sister Mitchell, on our last day of church in Idaho Falls.
Cody and I have been going to church in this building for 11 of our 14 years of marriage. We have now been members of all 3 wards that attended here. Kearney 3rd when we were first married, Kearney 2nd right before Gavin was born and for 9 years after that and most recently Kearney 1st while we were in the apartment between houses. It's a bittersweet goodbye. We made so many friends and memories in this building and it's sad to think that we will probably never see the majority of them ever again.
Flowers for mom
Myself, Carol and Grant. We were on call, had all been at work since at least 7am and decided that we deserved a guilt free Klondike Bar at 10 pm
My super chubby niece Laken aka Mavis aka Fatty Fatkins
She is so stinking cute and so easy to love!
She is so stinking cute and so easy to love!
It's FINALLY happening!!
Signing on our house
Cody carried me over the threshold of our new house!!
Our first morning in our house. Chloe made her way through the maze of boxes to our room and snuggled up with her daddy
Daddy and Chloe
(I'm a dead lady if he realizes this is on here)
My jetted tub is one of the kids favorite things about our new house. They always want to bath in it.
Gavin Claus
Chloe and I went for a very short ride down the farmer's road next to his field to my sister's house. She is so close now : )
We also went for a walk around the neighborhood even though I told Chloe it was going to be a long walk. She insisted and about halfway around she said she was tired and wanted to go home. I told her we were only halfway done and we had to walk home. She decided to plop down right were she was and rest instead.
We were just around the bend from our house when Chloe discovered the race track. She couldn't resist and had to take her baby for an exciting jaunt.
Because sometimes you wear sombrero's while unpacking your house
My dad found us a piano for $200!! What a steal. I'm teaching myself how to play and then teaching the kids what I've learned until we can find a real piano teacher.
Chloe rockin' the beauty sleep
Our friends the Beck's were finally able to adopt Journey. We were invited to be a part of their exciting day. It brought back so many memories of when we adopted our own babies. Such amazing memories.
Keyara, Journey, Jessica, the Judge, Jason, Garrett
Cody went into Walgreen's for a prescription and came out looking like this
When your 9 year old wants to sit in the cart so he can read leaving no room for your purchases you compromise, even if it means putting a basket on his head!
Who needs a second cart when you have serious stacking skills?!?!
P.S. Can you see Gavin? He's still in there reading away
He wanted me to take a picture of him and his new bedding
We moved into our house on Saturday, April 23rd and by Friday, April 29th we were toilet papered and someone left cookies on our kitchen counter! We still don't know who did it, but there is a reward for any information.
APRIL 2016
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