May 1st- First day of new ward
I sent this picture to Cody with the caption "rednecks at Artic Circle" because I took the kids to dinner in their pajamas. I was wearing a pair of my mom's flip flops (I'm a size 6 1/2 and she's an 8 1/2) because Gavin had on roller blades so I gave him my shoes to wear.
Cody had flowers delivered to our house. Pink gerbera daisies and roses, this guy gets me. Cody is working in Boise so I spent the evening with the kids. We went for a walk and the dog kept jumping in the ditch and then shaking the water off soaking everyone. We
were going to walk to Karen's but the kids were distracted by the pond
and throwing rocks into it. By the time they had their fill of that it was getting dark enough we headed
back home instead.
I love having a field in our backyard and all the wide open spaces that we have to roam. I also love that the kids are getting to experience things I did as a kid like chasing grasshoppers along the ditch banks and throwing rocks into the pond.
This girls packs her baby dolls everywhere
He asked me to take a picture of him because he was "being so good and folding my arms"
That's one way to carry your water bottle
Did I mention that I LOVE where I live?
I put the kids to bed and checked on them later before I went to bed, but I couldn't find Gavin. I looked under his covers, in Mason's bed, under their beds, under his covers again, in their closet, the bathroom, all over in Chloe's room and as I was walking out I saw a silhouette of something on my bed...found him!
One of the Dr's that I work with at Mountain View opened up a Rita's franchise so we decided to try it out. We were not disappointed!
Cody had a few helpers tonight while mowing the lawn.
We had a crazy windstorm whip through here and I fully expected to find our trampoline in the neighbors yard when I got home. Luckily it was still where we left it, but all of our chairs were blown off of our deck and up against the fence, our BBQ grill cover was blown to shreds and the grill had been blown across the patio and into our bikes. We had to replace the grill cover and a couple of chairs but luckily everything else was OK.
Chloe put her babies asleep in her room. She's going to be such a good little mom.
Chloe and Avenly
Our friends, Steve and Beth Heath sold their house and are moving. They had one last get together at their old house.
We are all going to miss their swing
Chloe had a sleepover with her cousin Megan. They kept talking and keeping Madisen up so the two of them were banished to the den. Karen went to check on them and this is how she found them, so sweet!

Frosty's for Fat FRYday
I had all these kiddos running errands one of which included a visit to the Dr. It was so crowded in the waiting room that we had to sit on the bench that was around the aquarium.
(Backstory: I mooned my sister when she was in her car not realizing that my nieces were in there and they saw my butt)
So here we were in the Dr's office when Megan says to me (she is a loud talker):
Megan: Remember when you pulled down your pants and showed us your private parts?
(waiting room goes silent and all eyes are on me, the pervert with all the kids, while I am trying to figure out what she is talking about)
Megan: (sensing I'm confused gives more details in her not so quiet voice) Remember? We were in our car and you pulled your pants down? You showed us your butt.
Me: (still bright red, embarrassed, humiliated but now remembering the "incident") Oh, I remember. That's called mooning and I didn't know you were in the car. Only your mom was suppose to see that.
All the eyes of the waiting room finally start to look elsewhere and while I am not a complete pervert, I'm still a sicko I'm sure. I was never so excited in all my life to get called out of the waiting room to see the Dr!!
Chloe loves her baby Cinderella and takes her almost everywhere. This was only days before she was lost in the woods. (insert sad face)
threw a fit and pouted about this new outfit I got her.
She hated the bibs and cried and whined but I made her wear them
anyway and by the end of the day she decided she loved them :) This picture was taken when she still hated them.
My animal lover at grandma's playing with her kittens.
Meet "Rice and Beans" aka "Shadow"
We felt back for "Tamale" aka "Chester" because he was so lonely so we got another kitten. My brother didn't have anymore so we got this one from our insurance agent Sheryl.
Cody named him "Rice and Beans" because his is black (beans) and white (rice) and goes well with "Tamales" our orange cat.
We don't have a patio table yet so our dinners that we eat outside our spent sitting on our deck. The kids picked out tonight's dinner, in case you couldn't guess. Mac and Cheese (made how their babysitter Keyara makes it), pizza rolls, grapes and blueberries.
Other May happenings:
*Cody is still working in downtown Boise on the JUMP (Jack Urban Meeting Place) complex and only home on weekends.
*We have been in our new house a month and all boxes (except for holiday items) have been unpacked
*We keep seeing pheasants on our ditch bank and in the hay field behind our house.
*I made the kids a fort under the stairs out of sheets until we have a chance to get the basement finished and build their little hideout
*I FINALLY got a new vacuum so I don't have to use the one with the broken handle anymore!!
* My 17 year old patient kept asking me to prom over and over again. I kept telling him
I was happily married with three kids. He told me "I'm sure you're husband would
understand that you just want to relive your teenage years". LOL!! I love my job.
*We drove past our old house and saw that they cut down the pine tree in the front yard. The one that my kids would stand in front of the first day of school every year. The one we stood in front of for Mother's Day and Father's Day photos. The one that always had baby birds and baby squirrels falling out of it and always had birds in it chirping. The one my boys would constantly pee on in the front yard. I know it's not our tree or our house anymore and we don't have any say, but it's so sad they cut it down. We loved that tree.
*Cody got a weed eater as an early Father's Day gift to help with yard work and he helped me hang up our pictures in the house so it's finally starting to look like "home"
*I was asked to be a Relief Society Teacher. Don't ever say you never want to do something to your husband because that's what you end up doing!
*I had a patient with severe PTSD wake up swinging, but thanks to a quick moving x-ray tech that got me out of the way, I didn't end up with a fist in my face. Some days work can be super crazy!
*All 3 kids were cavity free at their 6 month check up!
* I "lost" my keys. Karen's kids got in my van when I picked my kids up from the sitter so I had extra kiddos and things were crazy. I could not find my keys anywhere. I looked in the van, the garage, outside, inside, asked the kids, had them looking. Checked my pockets, my purse, Karen's diaper bag, the garbage, my refrigerator and started all over again. I dumped out my purse on the counter and Karen's diaper bag. I sorted through the garbage. I literally looked for HOURS!! My mom stopped by and helped me look. She looked everywhere I had looked including my purse. Karen stopped by and looked everywhere including my purse. No keys!! At this point I am stressing out because the only other key we have is in Boise with Cody 4 hours away. We finish our night, I quiz the kids AGAIN as I'm getting them to bed, still nothing. As one last hail Mary I decided to look everywhere again and guess what...there they are in my purse right on top!! What the H?!?!? I am so entirely perplexed at this time that I can't even be excited because I just found them. I call my mom and sister and they barely believe me because they looked in my purse just like I did. I say a prayer, thankful that I found them and now racking my brain trying to figure out how all 3 of us didn't see them.
*On the way home one day Chloe apologized for not dancing at her recital. This was almost 3 weeks after her recital. I can't believe she even remembers.I told her it was OK because I did the same thing when I was her age and she said she was sorry that I was sad because I didn't get to see her dance. Apparently it stuck in her little head of hers and she has been thinking about it this whole time. i reassured her it was all good and she was forgiven even though she didn't need to apologize.
*Gavin and I played a joke on my mom. We went to her house but parked behind the pine trees. We sneaked in the backdoor (with her right there in the kitchen window). I turned my alarm on my phone and set it on the sink in the laundry room. That was the longest minute ever waiting for it to go off and trying to laugh quietly while we waited. It started going off and my mom stopped what she was doing and was looking around. Then she was talking to my dad who was at the kitchen table. She followed the sound to the laundry room and as she was reaching to pick up my phone Gavin and I came out of the storage room and screamed! We haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Mom was laughing too after she was done peeing her pants (not really). I can't wait to do it again!
My kids have suddenly started to become picky eaters:
Mason is always hungry, like always and is worse than Chloe. He hates hot dogs.
Chloe has to take a baby doll pretty much everywhere she goes, talks pretty much nonstop at home and in the car and decided she hates sandwiches.
May 2016
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