This is going to be a long one, I missed last month!
Gavin reading "The Book with No Pictures" to the kids. It's pretty much their favorite book right now and they read it over and over. Gavin won't even let me read it because he likes it to do it so much.
A trip to the library with cousin Madi
Doing the Dr. Seuss scavenger hunt at the library
When I'm at work I randomly text Cody to send pics of what they are doing, this is one of them
Because sometimes pulling your sweater all the way down is just too much to handle
Handsome boy
This boy is a huge animal lover, stuffed or alive
Another at work pic with captions!
Mason's Dr. Seuss hat he made at preschool
These are the treats he picked out to take to school for his class when it was his class birthday party
This is honestly a terrible picture of Chloe but I seriously laugh out loud every time I look at it. This is going to be one that we show our future son-in-law one day
Chloe's hamster "Prince"
Sweaty Betty's
Amanda invited us over after Zumba for protein shakes and we celebrated with milk mustaches
Gavin built this and wanted me to take a picture
After we registered Mason for kindergarten he had to test out the playground
Gavin was showing him all the cool tricks the big kids do
Just some handsome dude I found standing in my kitchen
On St. Patrick's Day Eve Cody had a special visitor
Just in case you were all wondering what a "real" leprechaun looks like
Cody brought me some more fresh flowers : )
My cousin Angie and her hubby Dan had their first baby. They named her Lorna after my grandma. This is also her first official cleavage shot, lol!
My Chloe Jo
Fat FRYday trip to Carsten's Bakery
It was free cone day at Dairy Queen and Cody took the kids and my niece
Not to be out done when I got off work I took them again ; )
They boys wanted to have a "camp out" in their bedroom. I found them on the floor asleep like this and listening to lullaby's. When I looked a little closer I saw this:
They were holding hands. My mommy heart melted.
"Am I scary mom?"- Chloe
All covered in chalk!
My little green leprechauns
The kids sometimes fight over who gets to take my socks off when I get home from work, but I don't mind. After a long day at work I don't feel like pulling them off myself.
We picked up treats for Gavin's birthday party at school. Chloe insisted on carrying the bag for me AND holding my hand
On the first day of spring we celebrated with chalk art
Carried away by balloons
A flower
A clown
A fire breathing dragon
I told the boys to go to the van and get buckled, this is what I found
Mason and Coco
Gavin wearing his new dirt bike gear
Mason drew a skeleton on his balloon
This view makes me happy, my house, my kids and one of our awesome neighbor kids. We are bulging at the seams in the house, the garage and the yard, but I love this house because it is the house where I brought all 3 babies home. Their first house and all of our first memories were made here.
Memories like this where the boys have an impromptu ninja fight during the middle of a game

My in-laws went to Oregon to visit family so we were able to puppy sit

Gavin was in heaven, he spent the majority of the time outside playing with him

Colorful Chloe
Chloe and I
My kids love getting rides from Shane
I pinned the kids clothes to the ceiling for April Fool's
"I sweep (sleep) better wif dem on"..."the wight huwts my eyes."
Mason about his putty: "I frew et up in dee aiw and den I don't fine et anywew. Cwoee findead et on my back".
(I threw it up in the air and I don't find it anywhere. Chloe finded it on my back)
Gavin decided he wanted to read Harry Potter. I thought I would try to read them again so I could read them with him.

I borrowed my mom and sister's set so we would both have one. He is such a fast reader it's been hard to keep up!
Found these sexy things on our front window the other morning. On the back of the D.I. tag says "You are Loved". We have some pretty goofy friends
Chloe and Mason
Fat FRYday
A trip to Carsten's followed by a trip to the park

Squirrel hunting in a dress
Found him! Mason ran around the tree scaring it from one side to the other by saying "Boo"
My little ray of sunshine
One of these is not like the other

Wednesday late morning
Wednesday night
A van full!!
Mason was pouting because he didn't want to to to preschool, he wanted to stay and play with his cousins
Fat FRYday with an extra
The calf was trying to eat Mason's shoes
Batman brought me flowers!
Jumping the (empty) ditch at Grandma and Grandpa's
Megan, Bailee, Chloe, Madisen and Mason
She loves to wear my slippers and shoes
Gavin showing me his new trick on the swing set
"Sweat makes you stronger" -Gavin told his friends this on the way home from his birthday party at IJump
We pulled into the YMCA for Gavin's basketball game and he said "Mom, look at that old car". I was looking for a old car like a 1970's or older and then realized the one he was talking about was from the 90's! I felt really old
Gavin had to scoop the poop in the backyard, this was his response: "You guys make me do EVERYTHING...I hate doing this....this is the worst day of my life" (as I building him a swing set and we are listening to conference)
Mason said "Cowboys don't eat" so he wasn't going to eat dinner because he's a "real cowboy."
"I have to sleep in the couch because I can't walk because I think I broked my weg...and I need a piwwow(pillow). -Mason
Mason calls pineapples "pinecones"
He told me he couldn't drink hie mild because "it gives me a frozen heart"
The kids keep putting pennies in the candy machine and I have to keep taking it apart to get them out. I told the kids that only coins that have a eagle on it can go in there and Chloe said, "or the man with the ponytail right mom?" LOL, yes Chloe only George Washington with the pony tail.
A joke by Chloe: "Why did Mr. Pig want a fish in his house? Because he wants it to turn into a smiley face.
Chloe: Do you know why I can't have chocolate?
Me: Why?
Chloe: Because I have a fexulee in my tummy
Me: What's a fexulee?
Chloe: I don't know but it's not good for you
If there is a baby in the room Chloe can sniff it out like a hound dog, she LOVES babies.
This view makes me happy, my house, my kids and one of our awesome neighbor kids. We are bulging at the seams in the house, the garage and the yard, but I love this house because it is the house where I brought all 3 babies home. Their first house and all of our first memories were made here.
Memories like this where the boys have an impromptu ninja fight during the middle of a game
My in-laws went to Oregon to visit family so we were able to puppy sit
Gavin was in heaven, he spent the majority of the time outside playing with him
Colorful Chloe
Chloe and I
My kids love getting rides from Shane
I pinned the kids clothes to the ceiling for April Fool's
Mason about his putty: "I frew et up in dee aiw and den I don't fine et anywew. Cwoee findead et on my back".
(I threw it up in the air and I don't find it anywhere. Chloe finded it on my back)
Gavin decided he wanted to read Harry Potter. I thought I would try to read them again so I could read them with him.
I borrowed my mom and sister's set so we would both have one. He is such a fast reader it's been hard to keep up!
Found these sexy things on our front window the other morning. On the back of the D.I. tag says "You are Loved". We have some pretty goofy friends
Chloe and Mason
Fat FRYday
A trip to Carsten's followed by a trip to the park
Squirrel hunting in a dress
Found him! Mason ran around the tree scaring it from one side to the other by saying "Boo"
My little ray of sunshine
One of these is not like the other
Wednesday late morning
Wednesday night
A van full!!
Mason was pouting because he didn't want to to to preschool, he wanted to stay and play with his cousins
Fat FRYday with an extra
The calf was trying to eat Mason's shoes
It's not hard to pick out my kids, they are the one's climbing on the fence
The kids got their faces and hands painted at a fundraiser for one of our friends Batman brought me flowers!
Jumping the (empty) ditch at Grandma and Grandpa's
Megan, Bailee, Chloe, Madisen and Mason
She loves to wear my slippers and shoes
Gavin showing me his new trick on the swing set
"Sweat makes you stronger" -Gavin told his friends this on the way home from his birthday party at IJump
We pulled into the YMCA for Gavin's basketball game and he said "Mom, look at that old car". I was looking for a old car like a 1970's or older and then realized the one he was talking about was from the 90's! I felt really old
Gavin had to scoop the poop in the backyard, this was his response: "You guys make me do EVERYTHING...I hate doing this....this is the worst day of my life" (as I building him a swing set and we are listening to conference)
Mason said "Cowboys don't eat" so he wasn't going to eat dinner because he's a "real cowboy."
"I have to sleep in the couch because I can't walk because I think I broked my weg...and I need a piwwow(pillow). -Mason
Mason calls pineapples "pinecones"
He told me he couldn't drink hie mild because "it gives me a frozen heart"
The kids keep putting pennies in the candy machine and I have to keep taking it apart to get them out. I told the kids that only coins that have a eagle on it can go in there and Chloe said, "or the man with the ponytail right mom?" LOL, yes Chloe only George Washington with the pony tail.
A joke by Chloe: "Why did Mr. Pig want a fish in his house? Because he wants it to turn into a smiley face.
Chloe: Do you know why I can't have chocolate?
Me: Why?
Chloe: Because I have a fexulee in my tummy
Me: What's a fexulee?
Chloe: I don't know but it's not good for you
If there is a baby in the room Chloe can sniff it out like a hound dog, she LOVES babies.