Saturday, August 29, 2015

Connelly and Cassie's Reception

These two little love birds finally made it back to Idaho after their honeymoon on the Oregon coast and we had a reception for them at Grandma's Meadow aka Grandma Gallup's back yard. It turned out really cute and despite the 90+ degree turnout we stayed pretty cool with all the shade and they had a good turnout.
Gavin signing his own name in the guest book with little sister watching. 
Mason just chilling on the bench with Grandma Gallup. There is almost a 90 year age gap between these two. 
Chloe and Mason became best buddies with Cody's cousins kids Maddi and Zack and spent the majority of the night with them. 
Zack, Mason and Chloe 
We decorated their car for them inside and out. We pulled apart Oreo's and put them on their car and Mason was pulling them back off and eating them! Ugh! I brought sticky notes and we all left messages on their car for them. Gavin stayed out there long after we were done (see above) writing his own messages.
This was one of them! I couldn't believe he wrote that and wondered where he had even heard it! Come to find out it's on one of the Home Alone's and it's the parrot that says it in the shower, whew!! There were lots of messages, these are what I can remember:

It's naked time!
Two bodies but one heart - Little Rascals by Gavin
He stole her heart so she stole his last name
One epic love - Gavin
Love is Love - Savanah Age 6
Connelly and Cassie are married, Whoopdie Doo (from Wedding Singer)
Baby Fry coming April 2016
You are so Beautiful - Little Rascals by Gavin
I wish I could remember more of them because they were pretty funny.

Paisley sitting like a big girl in her own chair. Baby sister Piper will be here in October. 
Winding down at the end of the day.
Isaiah (backwards), Gavin, Evan, Luke, Drake and Chloe
Gavin raided Great Grandma's raspberry patch
More play time with Zack and Maddi

August 1, 2015

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