Tuesday, April 2, 2013


 Mason found me this super gross, dead, diseased surprise out in the backyard somewhere. I about died!! How disgusting!!
 "Look mom, bird dead." -Mason
"Rock-a-doodle-dooo!" - Mason
Chloe wanted a picture with it and I'm sure they had both been handling it and they were both getting dipped in bleach by their toes anyway so I let her. I have the heebee geebees just looking at these pictures again!! SOOOO GRROOSSSSS!!!!

We showed daddy and he disposed of it for us and then we each took a kid, stripped them down, cleaned them up and then bleached and scrubbed the back door handles too!


The Cawley's said...

That B NASTY! I'm glad you thought to bleach the door handle too- EWW!

Bonnie said...

Holy Crap!!!!!!!! that is so crazy! Your kids never cease to amaze me. and always make me giggle outloud. !!~ Yuck is right! but... on a farm...it would be not different.
bless them hearts. hugs to all of you ♥