Our friends Carl & Trish invited us to go to Hogle Zoo for the weekend so off we went. We left Friday night and what an adventure it was. We ended up getting dinner on the house since they lost our ticket and our dinner took forever, then Cody and Carl ended up at a rest stop bathroom peeing next to two shackled and chained convicts, and of course you can't forget our much needed stop at McDonald's for some much needed McFlurry's.

This eagle greeted us at the front gate of Hogle Zoo. We were all amazed. First of all we have never been so close to one and secondly we could not believe how BIG she was. Her wingspan was even more amazing. Gavin kept wanting to go back and see the bird. We did go to the bird show that they had there and that was super cool too. They had all kinds of birds and they had trained them to fly right over the audience. I could have touched them if I would have put my arm in the air, that's how close they were to us. We also ran into my cousin Tyler and his wife Tracy as we were coming out of the show. It's crazy that we had to drive all the way to Utah to see them and they only live about 15 minutes away from us!

I was teasing Cody that this was our new family picture because him and the gorilla have about the same build. He didn't think it was very funny!

It was so funny to sit and watch them. They are so much like humans is almost scary.

My own little gorilla eating a banana

This mommy Tiger had a set of boy triplets!! She is going to have her hands full. You can't really see the other two cubs, they are eating.

Gavin & Caitlyn

The new baby giraffe

Of all the animals in the zoo including the elephants, baby giraffe, baby tigers, Gavin's favorite animal (besides the eagle) was the porcupine. He was so enthralled by them. He went back three different times to see them. Who knew?

Visiting Mr. & Mrs. Porcupine once again

Cody, Gavin, Caitlyn & Carl on the Merry Go Round

Cody let Gavin pick what he wanted to ride and he chose the turkey.
Go Turkey Go!

So serious!!
I don't know if he is getting ready to ride into battle or concentrating on making a Code Brown

We couldn't leave the zoo without taking the kids on the train around the zoo. They were both so tired at that point that they almost fell asleep during the ride.

Two words: YUMMY & FUN

Going clockwise: Gavin, Teri, Cody, Sally, Brian, Caitlyn, Trish & Carl
Buca di Beppo
When we found out we were going to Utah the first thing I did was text Brian to see if they were going to be around Labor Day weekend. They live in Utah and it's been almost 3 years since we have seen them. This is also everyone (minus the kids of course) that was in our hotel room the night we got the phone call telling us that we were going to get Gavin, what a great night! We were in Canada for Brian & Sally's wedding which was the next day.
They suggested we go here and it was so yummy. We even got a tour of the kitchen and some serious humor out of some of the pictures they had hanging on the wall.

After dinner and ice cream at Leatherby's we went back to Brian and Sally's for some Wii. We did some hula hooping and the boys got into more than us girls

Brian Hula Hooping
(Sorry Brian, I uploaded this 3 times and it kept turning is sideways for some reason. You just have to be different all the time don't you!)

Cody Hula Hooping
I wish I would have had my video camera, it was hilarious, especially Brian and his hips! Whewee! Thanks for making time with us Brian and Sally. It was so good to see you again and we had a great time!

The planes were HUGE and that's an understatement!

Gavin loved the "Big Airplanes." He ran from plane to plane in awe and amazement at their gigantic size. Cody and I were even blown away. I still find it unbelievable that something so large can stay in the air and not come crashing down.
We had so much fun! Thanks for letting us tag along on your weekend. You forgot to mention the part about Johnny Depp walking down the street and that we talked to him!
Oh Yeah! That was so funny! I'm still kicking myself in the butt for not stopping him and getting a picture with him or at least of him!
I went to Hogle Zoo a few weeks ago and saw the bird show, too. Absolutely amazing!! We didn't really get a good view of the baby tigers, though, because they were sleeping. You should consider yourself very blessed. :) Looks like you had a great time!
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